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Recording: 2018-01-11 , Tanztage Berlin 2018 | Sophiensæle (Video © Walter Bickmann)

Xenia Taniko

Not Your Man

Tanztage Berlin 2018 | Sophiensæle

Production Details / Press Releases

NOT YOUR MAN explores the inner sensations and layered choreographies of gender and sets out to re-appropriate masculinity as a physical quality. Together with London-based sound artist TETRA, choreographer Xenia Taniko generates genders of sound, genders of movement and genders of embodiment that play with the myth of male heroic masculinity and the potential of its failed recognition. With sensorial drag, Not Your Man asks what lies beyond the limitations of the sexed body and its definitions. If masculinity does not respond to being male, then what is masculinity?

XENIA TANIKO is an artist based in Berlin. Her art making draws from cultures of collaboration and approaches choreography as experimental practice of relating. In her works she investigates the complexity of togetherness, subjectivity, conflict, power, identity and intimacy. Xenia is a member of the friendship-based collective female trouble and graduated from Dance, Context, Choreography at HZT Berlin. Her pieces have been presented at Dock 11 Berlin, P-Bodies Festival Leipzig, Het Veem Theatre Amsterdam, a.m.

TETRA is DIY electronic music. Politically and romantically vocal. Unpredictable with movement, TETRA exposes herself in a raw, vulnerable performance.

LYLLIE ROUVIÈRE is an artist, living in Berlin. She graduated from HZT Berlin (Dance, Context and Choreography) and the High National Architecture School of Paris-La-Villette. Recently she has collaborated with Xenia Taniko, Julian Weber and dances with choreographers such as Doris Uhlich and Boris Charmatz. Her own works explores the concept of the inhabited in formats that range from performances, architectural-drawings and videos.

CARINA PREMER is an artist, technologist and cultural worker based in Munich. She mainly creates light and stage arrangements and ambiences. In 2016 she graduated at the Institute for Applied Theatre studies in Gießen. Carina co-founded several discursive formats and festivals and created multi-media and dance performances in different constellations at documenta13, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Kunstenfestivaldasarts et al.

[Source: play bill]

TFB Nr. 1151

Cast & Credits

LICHT: Carina Premer
BESONDERER DANK AN: Simone Aughterlony, Zinzi Buchanan, Gretchen Blegen, Dimitris Christides, Igor Dobkin, Roni Katz, Lee Meir, Josefine Mühle, Anna Mülter, Julia Rodriguez, Marta Sala, Louise Trueheart, Siegmar Zacharias
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung des HZT Berlin und ausland Berlin.

MANAGEMENT: Johanna Withelm
DRAMATURGICAL ADVICE: Thomas Schaupp, Maja Zimmermann
The 27th Tanztage Berlin are produced by SOPHIENSÆLE.
Funded by the Senate Chancellery for Culture and Europe.
Supported by Onassis Cultural Centre-Athens, Kulturreferat der Landeshauptstadt München, Goethe-Institut Marokko, Polnisches Institut Berlin, mapping dance berlin and Tanzfabrik Berlin e.V.


Sophienstraße 18
10178 Berlin

Tickets: (030) 283 52 66

Video Documentation

The video documentation is produced on behalf of the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion. The purpose of this contract is to document productions in the field of contemporary dance in Berlin. The master recordings are archived by the University Library of the Berlin University of Arts. Copies of the recordings on DVD are available for viewing exclusively in the reference collections of the following archives (at media desks in these institutions):

University Library of the Berlin University of Arts
Mediathek für Tanz und Theater des Internationalen Theaterinstituts / Mime Centrum Berlin
Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin (HZT)

Xenia Taniko / Trailers and Video Documentations

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