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Recording: 2017-09-29 , VERLIN (Video © Walter Bickmann)

Constanza Macras | DorkyPark



Production Details / Press Releases

In SOMETHING Constanza Macras invites dancers living in Berlin, all women to question the nature of performance: the “to do nothing performance”, the “do to much performance” , the “why do you dance performance?” and the “why to dance in dance piece?”. An examination of performative currents and an attempt to search honesty in performance.

[Source: play bill]

TFB Nr. 1101

Cast & Credits

Concept & direction: Constanza Macras
By and with: Adaya Berkovich, ChiaYing Chiang, Emmanouela Dolianiti, Tamar Grosz, Sonya Levin, Shannon Leypoldt, Olivia McGregor, Keya Mosso Art, Lea Pischke
Costume: Constanza Macras
Light/Sound design: Daniel Toscano Fajardo

Funded by Fonds Darstellende Künste e.V. made possible by the German Federal Cultural Foundation.
Constanza Macras | DorkyPark are supported by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe, Berlin.


Klosterstraße 44
10179 Berlin

Video Documentation

The video documentation is produced on behalf of the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion. The purpose of this contract is to document productions in the field of contemporary dance in Berlin. The master recordings are archived by the University Library of the Berlin University of Arts. Copies of the recordings on DVD are available for viewing exclusively in the reference collections of the following archives (at media desks in these institutions):

University Library of the Berlin University of Arts
Mediathek für Tanz und Theater des Internationalen Theaterinstituts / Mime Centrum Berlin
Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin (HZT)

Constanza Macras | DorkyPark / Trailers and Video Documentations

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