Editorial team
Walter Bickmann & Doris Kolde
Telefon: (030) 440 480 71
E-Mail: mail@tanzforumberlin.de
Domain owner
Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt
Abteilung Kultur
Referat I A
Brunnenstr. 188 – 190
D – 10119 Berlin
This website is administered by Bickmann & Kolde GbR on behalf of the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion.
Copyright for all trailers and photos on this website
© Walter Bickmann | walterbickmann.de
Any third-party use of trailers and photos without the prior written consent of Tanzforum Berlin is prohibited.
Production descriptions
All texts and credits related to productions are provided to us by the artists and venues.
Dance calendar
Dance calendar dates are provided to us by TanzRaumBerlin.
Screen design
© Tanzforum Berlin
Doris Kolde | doriskol.de
Programming (website relaunch 2017)
Kombinat – Agentur für Informationsgestaltung GmbH
Tanzforum Berlin does not pursue commercial interests.
The information on this website is updated regularly by the Tanzforum Berlin editorial team. We cannot, however, accept any liability or guarantee for the accuracy or completeness of the information provided. Despite due diligence, we are not responsible for the content of third-party links. The respective provider is solely liable for the content available on these sites.
Should the contents of this website constitute a violation of the rights of third parties or statutory provisions, we request that you first notify us without charge. We guarantee that content subject to justifiable complaint will be removed without delay. Any costs incurred without previous establishment of contact will be rejected in their entirety; where appropriate, a countersuit will be submitted on the grounds of the aforementioned provisions.