Production Details / Press Releases
Festgefahren Im Pullover Bitte wenden
Three solos by MS Schrittmacher and Cie Efrat Stempler
The female protagonists of this triple solo evening would just love to go crazy. But control determines their lives and keeps them from breaking free.
Festgefahren (caught) in the self-chosen agenda of her bourgeois existence, one just organizes life instead of living. She is her own prisoner in trivial daily pursuits. Stressed by the things that have to get done, she turns into a control freak. Constantly on the move, she rushes from one meeting to the next and “deals” with herself en passant. An apparent paradise becomes a golden cage.
The other is stuck Im Pullover (in the sweater) of a restrictive society; it is information overflow that simultaneously underlies state media and speech control. In her wish to express herself, she constantly runs up against exterior and interior borders. Sometimes she feels brave and free. Sometimes she sees herself as cowardly; with control over her own ideas and actions, she subjugates her thoughts to a preventive self-censure.
The third has trusted her happiness to a navigation device. Bitte Wenden (please turn around) is what it always says as soon as she leaves the pre-planned path of her life. Her personal navigations assistant leads her on the most effective route through her life. The gadget knows the right way; it knows, when and where she needs to turn in what direction. She is happy to give up the responsibility for her life and to escape the pressure of decision-making. But any distance she covers reveals: her own way is not part of the plan.
With absurd humor and touching gravity, three women in three solos investigate the moment when we go out of control.
Cast & Credits
Choreography, direction, stage: Martin Stiefermann
In collaboration with the dancer Antje Rose
Text: Hartmut Schrewe
Music: The Cure, I never sweat
Sound: Tito Toblerone
Light design: Asier Solana
Production management: Matthias Püschner
Press: k3 berlin – Heike Diehm
Funded by Bezirksamt Pankow von Berlin – Fachbereich Kunst und Kultur.
Supported by and produced in DOCK 11 EDEN *****
Kastanienallee 79
10435 Berlin
Video Documentation
The video documentation is produced on behalf of the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion. The purpose of this contract is to document productions in the field of contemporary dance in Berlin. The master recordings are archived by the University Library of the Berlin University of Arts. Copies of the recordings on DVD are available for viewing exclusively in the reference collections of the following archives (at media desks in these institutions):
University Library of the Berlin University of Arts
Mediathek für Tanz und Theater des Internationalen Theaterinstituts / Mime Centrum Berlin
Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin (HZT)
MS Schrittmacher | Martin Stiefermann / Trailers and Video Documentations
- MS Schrittmacher | Martin Stiefermann: HEIMATFRONT – Das Desaster lässt grüßen (2018)
- MS Schrittmacher | Martin Stiefermann: UNmenschenrecht (2016)
- MS Schrittmacher | Martin Stiefermann: VON INNEN HERAUS DRAUSSEN (2014)
- MS Schrittmacher | Martin Stiefermann: Anitas Erben – Diskussionsforum zur künstlerischen Radikalität heute – Ein TANZFONDS ERBE Projekt (2014)
- MS Schrittmacher | Martin Stiefermann: Anita Berber – Rekonstruktionen – Ein TANZFONDS ERBE Projekt (2014)
- MS Schrittmacher | Martin Stiefermann: Anita Berber – Sie trägt die Nacktheit im Gesicht – Ein TANZFONDS ERBE Projekt (2014)
- MS Schrittmacher | Martin Stiefermann: Im Pullover (2012)
- MS Schrittmacher | Martin Stiefermann: Alice im Wunderland (2012)
- MS Schrittmacher | Martin Stiefermann: Anatomie einer Nachricht (2011)
- MS Schrittmacher | Martin Stiefermann: Wahllos reloaded (2010)