Production Details / Press Releases
Welcome to the capitalist ruins, dear tourists!
Bring some sun protection, cause we will sweat in the middle of the arena of a former socialist luxury hotel. Haludovo Palace Hotel and the dance floor have been waiting for you and us all. Let’s come together next to the blue, blue sea to listen to our glory holes accompanied by a feminist music album: 700WET risks juicy sounds to seduce our missing libido in pandemic and capitalist ruins.
Let’s stay with the ruins, be wet and weary, silly and horny, angry and depressed. Now and then.
Yours truly,
the self-organized stage creatures
Ana Dubljević, Kasia Kania, Marja Christians met during their Masters: “Choreography and Performance” at the Justus-Liebig-University in Gießen. In the performance „Tender Fights 2020”, and later- “DANCEFLOOR 2022”, they have continued their studies of the body from a queer-feminist perspective, which they began together and in other constellations, e.g. as part of the christians//schwenk collective. With humour and analytical acuteness, the artists use the power of performance to queer familiar patterns of perception and customary images of the body, as they seek to draw attention to power structures.
Ana Dubljević (1980, Belgrade) is an artist working with dance, choreography and performance. She graduated with an MA in choreography and performance in Giessen. Besides her choreographic work, Ana loves to explore dramaturgy in dance. In 2021 station servise for contemporary dance published her book “The feminist pornscapes, on feminist dramaturgical thinking in dance and performance practice”. She is passionate about erotic poetry and hopes for a global general strike.
Kasia Kania (1990) PL/DE works as a freelance choreographer, performer, dance artist and lecturer. She is a graduate of the Institute for Applied Theater Studies in Giessen (CuP). Since 2018 she has been collaborating with various collective constellations, including: Rotterdam Presenta, Polka Dot Foundation, Christians: Schwenk Collective. She develops choreographic practices that use the body as a main tool. Since 2018 without a permanent residence, she continues to work to find new ways to make art internationally.
Marja Christians is a choreographer, multidisciplinary performer, opera singer and the band 700WET. She develops international and queerfeminist choreographies with power-critical humor, dance and experimental electronic music. Together with the audience, Marja sweated out the jury prize of the Sophiensaele of the 100° festival in Berlin, the BEST OFF Freier Theater Niedersachsen and FREISCHWIMMEN 2019 (formerly Freischwimmer), in the legendary performance duo christians//schwenk with Isabel Schwenk. Marja developed her last piece TENDER FIGHTS (2020) together Ana Dubljević and Kasia Kania.
TFB Nr. 1704
Cast & Credits
Concept + Performance: Ana Dubljević, Kasia Kania, Marja Christians
Music: 700WET / Marja Christians + Cid Hohner
Video: Andrea H. Catala
Dramaturgical support: Zrinka Užbinec
Light design + scenography: Dana Maxim
Conceptual support + production assistance: Liesa Harzer
Production: Marja Christians / Tender Fights Productions
The project is funded by the by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union, supported by the co-financing fund of the Senate Department for Culture and Europe.
The performance program of the Tanzfabrik Berlin is supported by the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe.
Tanzfabrik Berlin / Wedding
Uferstr. 23
13357 Berlin
Video Documentation
The video documentation is produced on behalf of the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion. The purpose of this contract is to document productions in the field of contemporary dance in Berlin. The master recordings are archived by the University Library of the Berlin University of Arts. Copies of the recordings on DVD are available for viewing exclusively in the reference collections of the following archives (at media desks in these institutions):
University Library of the Berlin University of Arts
Mediathek für Tanz und Theater des Internationalen Theaterinstituts / Mime Centrum Berlin
Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin (HZT)