Production Details / Press Releases
Five Studies on Post-Colonialism
Study 1: Can Asians Dance? – Or 7 Differences Between Classical Chinese Dance and Ballet
This series of five short choreographies highlights white hegemony in a genre lauded for its internationality. Yet while post-colonial structures are just as present in contemporary dance as in other art forms, they are often more difficult to discern. Why has there recently been so much talk of African contemporary dance, while we never use the term “European contemporary”? Tacitly, Western concepts are declared the norm. These pieces cheerfully, but critically reveal the various ways that contemporary dance is marked by dominance and privileges grounded in white experience.
The “Five Studies” mark the beginning of a larger series dealing with the topic in various ways and formats over the course of several years. The idea is to not only to produce full-length pieces, but to connect several smaller works together. This allows them to be combined in various ways without the limitations of producing a finalized version. Each of the pieces is developed in collaboration between Christoph Winkler and the individual performers.
Cast & Credits
SET AND COSTUMES: Lena Mody, Valentina Primavera
TECH: Martin Pilz
PRODUCTION: ehrliche arbeit – freies Kulturbüro
A Christoph Winkler and ehrliche arbeit production, co-produced by SOPHIENSÆLE and Hamburg. Made possible by the Governing Mayor of Berlin – Senate Chancellery – Cultural Affairs and the National Performance Netz (NPN) Coproduction Fund for Dance, which is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media on the basis of a decision by the German Bundestag.
Video Documentation
The video documentation is produced on behalf of the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion. The purpose of this contract is to document productions in the field of contemporary dance in Berlin. The master recordings are archived by the University Library of the Berlin University of Arts. Copies of the recordings on DVD are available for viewing exclusively in the reference collections of the following archives (at media desks in these institutions):
University Library of the Berlin University of Arts
Mediathek für Tanz und Theater des Internationalen Theaterinstituts / Mime Centrum Berlin
Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin (HZT)
Christoph Winkler / Trailers and Video Documentations
- Christoph Winkler: Interview / Portrait Christoph Winkler (2017)
- Christoph Winkler: Four Non Blondes (Onlinefilm) (2024)
- Christoph Winkler: Four Non Blondes (2024)
- Christoph Winkler: Songs & Dances about the Weather (2023)
- Christoph Winkler: Stay on it (Onlinefilm) (2022)
- Christoph Winkler: Radical Minimal – Coming Together (2022)
- Christoph Winkler: Radical Minimal – Come out (2022)
- Christoph Winkler: Radical Minimal – Stay on it (2022)
- Christoph Winkler: We are going to Mars (2022)
- Christoph Winkler: Senedon (2020)
- Christoph Winkler: Balafon Phase (2020)
- Christoph Winkler: It’s all forgotten now – A performative Mixtape for Mark Fisher (2020)
- Christoph Winkler: It’s all forgotten now – A performative Mixtape for Mark Fisher (Onlinefilm) (2020)
- Christoph Winkler: On HeLa – The Color of Cells (2019)
- Christoph Winkler: Speak Boldly – The Julius Eastman Dance Project (2018)
- Christoph Winkler: SHUT UP AND DANCE (2018)
- Christoph Winkler: Die Bretter, die die Welt bedeuten (2018)
- Christoph Winkler: Ernest Berk – The Complete Expressionist (2018)
- Christoph Winkler: Sheroes (2017)
- Christoph Winkler: Black Cyborg or If I Had a Heart for Whom Would it Beat (2017)
- Christoph Winkler: Crossing Half of China to Sleep With You (2017)
- Christoph Winkler: Five Studies on Post-Colonialism – Study 5: The Lion and The Dragon (2016)
- Christoph Winkler: Five Studies on Post-Colonialism – Study 4: Dancing Like a White Guy (2016)
- Christoph Winkler: Five Studies on Post-Colonialism – Study 3: Persisches Haar (2016)
- Christoph Winkler: Five Studies on Post-Colonialism – Study 2: Seeing Alvin Ailey (2016)
- Christoph Winkler: Urban Soul Café (2016)
- Christoph Winkler: GOLDEN STARS ON BLUE (2015)
- Christoph Winkler: La Fille – Portrait eines Kindes (2015)
- Christoph Winkler: Hauptrolle (2014)
- Christoph Winkler: Abendliche Tänze – Ein TANZFONDS ERBE Projekt (2014)
- Christoph Winkler: Das Wahre Gesicht – Dance Is Not Enough (2013)
- Christoph Winkler: RechtsRadikal (2013)
- Christoph Winkler: Dance! Copy! Right? (2012)
- Christoph Winkler: Maldoror – Amped (Böse Körper – Teil 3) (2011)
- Christoph Winkler: Baader – Choreografie einer Radikalisierung (2011)
- Christoph Winkler: Böse Körper (2011)
- Christoph Winkler: Taking Steps (2010)
- Christoph Winkler: A Taste of Ra (2009)
- Christoph Winkler: Biopics / Introducing Travis & Dennis (2009)
- Christoph Winkler: Saal A (2009)