Production Details / Press Releases
There is nothing in front of me. There is nothing underneath my feet. There is nothing to my left. There is nothing here. There is nothing beyond the door, nothing the cat is running away with. There is nothing buried underneath the tree. There is nothing bruised, nothing growing in my kidneys. There is nothing funny about a gold fish. There is nothing in the house, nothing in the milky way. There is nothing left to see. Funny.
Sybrig Dokter (SWE) is a dancer and choreographer born in the Netherlands, living in Sweden. She received her dance education during the late seventies in Rotterdam, London and New York. With Lava-Dansproduktion (founded 1997 with Benno Voorham) she has conducted projects in Moldova, Bulgaria, Russia and Belarus. 2011- 2012 she works within the Tandem EU-Ukraine project of the ECF on the project Inside Out. She creates work with dancers, actors and performers and collaborates in works of other artists.
Andreas Harder (D) is a designer of stage lights and stage design, working as well as lighting and stage engineer. He studied visual arts at HdK Berlin, teaches stilistic and political development to theater and film prop masters and manages technical set ups of theater and media festivals as well as tour productions. He collaborates with the ensemble of contemporary music Zeitkratzer, with choreographers Jeremy Wade, Matan Zamir and Nicola Mascia – matanicola, Christina Chiup-ke and Nik Haffner, Angela Schubot and Jared Gradinger, with Peter Stamer, Tanzfabrik Berlin and the theater company T1 – Thorsten Lensing and Jan Hein.
Peter Stamer (D) works as free-lance director, dramaturge, curator, and performer in the field of contemporary performing arts. In his artistic projects, he is foremost interested in exploring conditions of discursive empowerment within given performative setups. Selection of his projects: director of urban installations Head Room, Les Boîtes, La Caja Negra (Beijing/Vienna 2006, Lyon 2008, Gijon 2010 [with Daniel Aschwanden]) // Author of radio performance Chinese Whispers (Vienna 2006/2007, Berlin 2009 [with Daniel Aschwanden]) // Festival dramaturge at Young Choreographers’ Project (Beijing 2007) // Artistic Director and curator of the dance biennal Tanz-nacht Berlin (Berlin 2008 & 2010) // Curator and Mentor at APT (Antwerp 2008, Brussels 2012) // director of TV project Drama Queens (Vienna 2009) // director of performative theatre documentary of The Path Of Money (Beijing, Shanghai, Berlin, Vienna, Salzburg 2009/2010 [with Daniel Aschwanden]) // curator of NU Performance Festival (Tallinn 2011 [with Silke Bake]) // artistic director The Big Event (Vienna 2012 [with Yosi Wanunu]) // director For Your Eyes Only (Stockholm, Viljandi, Berlin & Vienna 2010-2012)
Chris Standfest (D/A) works as a performer, dramaturge, lecturer, coach. During and after studies of literature, linguistics, gender and cultural studies at the FU Berlin and the Lancashire University political activism and collective projects in different fields. Since 1997 close collaboration with Claudia Bosse and theatercombinat. She also works with artists such as Barbara Kraus, Peter Stamer, Hannes Fishy Wurm, Gin/i Müller, Doris Uhlich, Lisa Hinterreithner or Katherina Zakravsky. Own projects i. e. Völker. Schlachten. Sprechen. Kleist und Derrida at the Völkerschlachtdenkmal Leipzig (festival PLAY! Leipzig) or Clubbing, a coaching project at ImPulsTanz/Dance Web. Diverse collaborations with institutions like Donaufestival Krems, Tanzquartier Vienna or ImPulsTanz; publi-cations for corpus, Maske und Kothurn, Maska a.o.. She teaches at universities, a.o. at the Institute for Theatre, Film and Media Sciences at the Vienna University on Judith Butler in contemporary performing arts; currently Werkstück coach at TQW Vienna and dramaturge of the Österreich Pavillon/CPA Austria at ImPulsTanz 2012.
Frank Willens (USA/D) hails from California but since 2003 primarily lives and works in Berlin. After graduating from UCBerkeley with a degree in Dance and Theater, he danced in Las Vegas, toured with Paul McCartney, appeared in music videos, television, and film. Since moving to Berlin he has worked with u.a. Meg Stuart (Replacement, All Together Now, Do Animals Cry), Laurent Chétouane (Bildbeschreibung, Tanzstück 2), Tomi Paasonen, Wilhelm Groener, Eun-Me Ahn, Howard Katz, as well as creating his own choreographic works (Tanztage Berlin, Tanz-initiative Hamburg). First collaboration with Peter Stamer during The Village in 2010. He received a Tanz-stipendium from Berlin last year and spent some time living on the streets of San Francisco. He is currently working with Tino Sehgal on a new work, This Variation, and continuing efforts on bringing his own ideas to fruition.
Cast & Credits
Concept: Peter Stamer
Performance: Sybrig Dokter, Peter Stamer, Christine Standfest, Frank Willens
Dramaturgy: Christine Standfest
Stage and light: Andreas Harder
Thanks to Silke Bake
Production: Peter Stamer / GARAGE e.V.
Coproduction: Tanzquartier Wien
Supported by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin
Supported by Tanzfabrik Berlin, International Dance Program Sweden, Weld Stockholm, Noore Tantsu Festival Viljandi
Tanzfabrik Berlin / Wedding
Uferstr. 23
13357 Berlin
Video Documentation
The video documentation is produced on behalf of the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion. The purpose of this contract is to document productions in the field of contemporary dance in Berlin. The master recordings are archived by the University Library of the Berlin University of Arts. Copies of the recordings on DVD are available for viewing exclusively in the reference collections of the following archives (at media desks in these institutions):
University Library of the Berlin University of Arts
Mediathek für Tanz und Theater des Internationalen Theaterinstituts / Mime Centrum Berlin
Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin (HZT)