Production Details / Press Releases
Musik (Praticable) is a search for the motivations and origins of moving, dancing, being there in present time and how this can relate to music, sounding, vocalizing, breathing, being there again… A space between texture and form, seeing and hearing, perception and state, vibration and composition, forgetting and discovering, pleasure of dance and pleasure of music. Comparing musical terminology and concepts with physiology, choreographic writing and compositional elements in dance, Musik (Praticable) looks into the relationships between visual and auditory rhythms, between musical terms and organizations of bodies writing themselves in space like motifs, figures, polyphonic voices or body – landscapes. ’Rhythm appears as music when it invests the auditory level, and as painting when it invests the visual level.’ (Francis Bacon by Gilles Deleuze)
Cast & Credits
Concept / Choreography: Isabelle Schad
Co-choreography, interpretation: Alexander Baczynski-Jenkins, Nancy Banfi, Jorge Gonçalves, Hanna Hedman, Nina Kurtela, Clément Layes, Arantxa Martinez, Sarah Menger, Sybille Müller, Eduard Mont de Palol, Ana Rocha, Lola Rubio, Nils Ulber, Marysia Zimpel
Light, sound, artistic assistance: Bruno Pocheron
Software development: Olivier Heinry
Adviser: Frédéric Gies, Odile Seitz
Assistant: Stefanie Knobel
Production: Susanne Beyer
Music: J.S. Bach, Susanne Brian, The Meadow Bees
Thanks to: Ateliergemeinschaft Milchhof e.V., Conny Breitkreuz, Catalina Fernandez, Barbara Friedrich, Boris Hauf, Mehdi Toutain-Lopez
Supported by the Capital Culture Fund. With the kind support of and in cooperation with fabrik Potsdam, GDA – Residency Support, Hochschulübergreifendes Zentrum Tanz Berlin, Tanzfabrik Berlin e.V. and Uferstudios. A coproduction by Isabelle Schad, Mezzanine and Sophiensæle.
Video Documentation
The video documentation is produced on behalf of the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion. The purpose of this contract is to document productions in the field of contemporary dance in Berlin. The master recordings are archived by the University Library of the Berlin University of Arts. Copies of the recordings on DVD are available for viewing exclusively in the reference collections of the following archives (at media desks in these institutions):
University Library of the Berlin University of Arts
Mediathek für Tanz und Theater des Internationalen Theaterinstituts / Mime Centrum Berlin
Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin (HZT)
Isabelle Schad / Trailers and Video Documentations
- Isabelle Schad: Interview / Portrait Isabelle Schad (2017)
- Isabelle Schad: Mirroring (2024)
- Isabelle Schad: Yuki Onna (2024)
- Isabelle Schad: The Shift Of Focus (2023)
- Isabelle Schad: Personne With Voice (2023)
- Isabelle Schad: Solo for Claudia and Josephine / Bodies of Light (2022)
- Isabelle Schad: HARVEST (2021)
- Isabelle Schad: TURNING SOLO 2 (2021)
- Isabelle Schad: ROTATIONS (2021)
- Isabelle Schad: FUR (2021)
- Isabelle Schad: Knotting (Film) (2020)
- Isabelle Schad: FUR (showing) (2020)
- Isabelle Schad: Reflection (2019)
- 24/7 Dance Movie / Isabelle Schad: Reflection (2019)
- Isabelle Schad: INSIDE OUT (2018)
- Isabelle Schad: Turning Solo (2017)
- Isabelle Schad: Double Portrait (2017)
- Isabelle Schad: Pieces and Elements (2016)
- Isabelle Schad: SOLO FÜR LEA (2016)
- Isabelle Schad: Fugen (2015)
- Isabelle Schad: Collective Jumps (2014)
- Isabelle Schad: Form und Masse (2014)
- Isabelle Schad: DER BAU – Gruppe12x60 (2014)
- Isabelle Schad: Der Bau (2013)
- Isabelle Schad: Experience#1 (2012)
- Isabelle Schad: Sweet Dreams are made (2010)