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Recording: 2019-08-23 , Tanz im August | HAU3 Hebbel am Ufer (Video © Walter Bickmann)

Albert Quesada, Zoltán Vakulya


Tanz im August | HAU Hebbel am Ufer (HAU3)

Production Details / Press Releases

Flamenco is as old as it is lively, and its power always derives from the same basic rhythm: 123 123 12 12 12. In its interaction with the audience it weaves a complex web of expression, significance and narrative – a special blend of ritual and techniques that are always growing and developing. In duet with Katie Vickers, the dancer and choreographer Albert Quesada analyses Flamenco, examining every aspect of its unique magic, and allowing the audience to come up close to the intense work of dance.

Albert Quesada trained at the Hogeschule voor de Kunsten in Amsterdam and at P.A.R.T.S in Brussels. Before that he studied philosophy and multimedia engineering in Barcelona. Central to Quesada’s work is the discovery and translation of musical structures into choreography. He is also fascinated by group movements and dynamics. In 2005 he began to work on “Solo on Bach & Glenn”, a piece that subsequently grew and toured, and from which the duet “Solos Bach & Gould” emerged. Since 2009 he has also danced with ZOO – Thomas Hauert. Together with Marcus Baldemar, Federica Porello, Mireia de Querol and Zoltán Vakulya he founded the company ACME, which creates artistic projects for education and the stage. In 2019 Quesada choreographed his first big group piece, “Flamingos”, at Mercat de les Flors, Barcelona.

[Source: play bill]

TFB Nr. 1354

Cast & Credits

Concept: Albert Quesada
Choreography: Albert Quesada, Zoltán Vakulya
With: Albert Quesada, Katie Vickers
Sound: Albert Quesada
Light: Bert Van Dijck
Music: Sabicas, Miguel Poveda, Manolo Caracol, Camarón de la Isla
Costume: Sofie Durnez
Musical advice: Juan Carlos Lérida
Choreographic assistant: Petra Söör, Leo Castro

Production: Albert Quesada / Kosmonaut Production
Coproduction: Charleroi Danse, CCNR, Mercat de les Flors, Vooruit
In the frame of the European Network DANN (Departures and Arrivals) / co-funded by the Creative Europe Program of the EU.
Supported by: SACD, Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie, the Culture Program of the European Union, Koning Boudewijn Stichting
In collaboration with: PACT Zollverein, Kaaitheater, TAKT/ Provinciaal Domein Dommelhof, STUK, El Graner, L’animal a l’esquena.
With the support of Institut Ramon Llull.

Tanz im August 2019
Artistic Director: Virve Sutinen
Executive Producer Festival: Isa Köhler
Producer: Anja Lindner, Marie Schmieder (on parental leave)
Project Management: Simone Graf
Assistant to Artistic Director & Production Assistant: Alina Sophie Scheyrer-Lauer
Production: Florian Greß, Ben Mohai, Sofie Marie Luckhardt, Katharina Rost, Lovisa Sohls Söderberg, Charlotte Werner
Technical Director: Ruprecht Lademann, Patrick Tucholski
Tanz im August is a festival by HAU Hebbel am Ufer, funded by the Capital Cultural Fund.

HAU Hebbel am Ufer (HAU3)

Tempelhofer Ufer 10
10963 Berlin

Tickets: +49 (0)30 259 004 27

Video Documentation

The video documentation is produced on behalf of the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion. The purpose of this contract is to document productions in the field of contemporary dance in Berlin. The master recordings are archived by the University Library of the Berlin University of Arts. Copies of the recordings on DVD are available for viewing exclusively in the reference collections of the following archives (at media desks in these institutions):

University Library of the Berlin University of Arts
Mediathek für Tanz und Theater des Internationalen Theaterinstituts / Mime Centrum Berlin
Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin (HZT)

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