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Recording: 2024-08-17 , Radialsystem (Video © Bickmann & Kolde GbR)

Tamara Cubas

Sea of Silence

Tanz im August | Radialsystem

Production Details / Press Releases

Migration has existed since the dawn of history; no society has remained untouched by it. Based on an international research process spanning many years, Tamara Cubas recounts the particular migration journeys of women from different continents. On a stage covered with salt, personal stories in the form of songs, dances, ritual and texts unfold. “Sea of Silence” revolves around an ungraspable centre: experiences that cannot be uttered, longings that are stronger than reason. Cubas honours the immense powers of women: their resilience, their unconditional will to survive, and their disobedience to the oppressive powers of patriarchy.

Born in 1972 in Montevideo, Uruguay, Tamara Cubas holds a visual arts degree from the National School of Fine Arts and a master’s in art and technology earned in the Netherlands, after which she enrolled at the Contradanza contemporary dance school in Montevideo. In the dance pieces she creates, she follows two lines of enquiry: exploring the performative body in a constant search for bodily autonomy; and referencing the other by developing projects with amateurs and non-artistic communities. She is a project manager for PROAC, an NGO that works in the field of social development through art and culture. She has been a consultant on the dance licence degree for Uruguay’s state university (UDELAR) and for Solis, the national theatre in Montevideo. She runs Campo Abierto, a place for collective thinking on the arts; and co-runs the Perro Rabioso collective. Her most recent pieces include “Trilogia Antropofágica”, “Multitud”, “Canibal Serie” and “Offering for a monster”.


TFB Nr. 1906

Cast & Credits

Conception & Artistic direction: Tamara Cubas
Assistant director: Alicia Laguna, Vachi Gutiérrez
With: Alejandra Wolff, Hadeer Moustafa, Karen Daneida, Noelia Coñuenao, Ocheipeter Marie, Sekar Tri Kusuma, Dani Mara
Sound & Musical assistance: Francisco Lapetina
Dramaturgy collaboration: Gabriel Calderón
Light: Ivana Dominguez
Costume: Brian Ojeda
Scenography: Tamara Cubas
Production management: Felipe Villarmarzo

Production: Tamara Cubas
Co-production: Tanz in August / HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Campo Abierto, Festival D’Avignon, Fundación Teatro a Mil, Comedia Nacional Uruguay, Teatro Línea de Sombra, Zürcher Theatre Spektakel
Distribution: Corpo a Fora, FITAM
Residences: Campo Abierto-Uruguay
Supported by: QDance Center, Indonesian Dance Festival, EAC
In cooperation with Radialsystem.

Tanz im August 2024
Artistic Director: Ricardo Carmona
Executive Producer Festival: Stefan Nagel
Producer & Dramaturge: Alina Lauer
Producer & Team Assistance: Luzie Barzen
Production: Mascha Euchner-Martinez
Production Associates: Carim Sol Al Samarraie, Feli Braun, Arantxa Ciafrino, Sophie Hübner, Lu Yu Zou
Technical Director Festival: Ingo Ruggenthaler
Tanz im August is a festival by HAU Hebbel am Ufer, funded by the Capital Cultural Fund.


Holzmarkstraße 33
10243 Berlin

Tickets: (030) 288 788 588

Video Documentation

The video documentation is produced on behalf of the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion. The purpose of this contract is to document productions in the field of contemporary dance in Berlin. The master recordings are archived by the University Library of the Berlin University of Arts. Copies of the recordings on DVD are available for viewing exclusively in the reference collections of the following archives (at media desks in these institutions):

University Library of the Berlin University of Arts
Mediathek für Tanz und Theater des Internationalen Theaterinstituts / Mime Centrum Berlin
Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin (HZT)

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