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Sensation 1 (Conviction Series)
Recording: 2011-08-11 , Tanz im August 2011 | Podewil (Video © Walter Bickmann)

Ligia Manuela Lewis

Sensation 1 (Conviction Series)

Tanz im August 2011 |

Production Details / Press Releases

„This single gesture of singing extended through time explodes its references to singing as such and creates a different kind of affect altogether. Over time a sculptural choreography takes form, what is left is an abstractly sensing body articulating a particular sensation of the sensational.“ L. M. Lewis

Ligia Manuela Lewis is a dance artist currently based in Berlin. She has performed/collaborated with the following: theater company Superamas (FR), dance company Les Ballets C de la B (BE), Christoph Winkler (DE), Martin Hansen (AU), Anat Eisenberg (IS/DE), Mirko Winkel (DE) and she continues on going collaborations with Lewis Forever (Berlin/NY) and Kat Valastur (GR/DE). She most recently began a collaboration with Jeremy Wade for his new creation. She was awarded the DanceWEB scholarship (AT) for 2010. Ligia is simultaneously working on a series of works which marry movement and sensation with the sensational – Sensation 1 is the first of these works.

Cast & Credits

Concept and performance: Ligia Manuela Lewis
Light and sound design: Johannes Wengel
Music: Whitney Houston “I Will Always Love You” (Divas Live, 1999 live performance) Concept & program: Kerstin Schroth
Tanz im August 2011
Organizer: Hebbel am Ufer – Artistic Director / Management Matthias Lilienthal, Cultural Projects Berlin GmbH / TanzWerkstatt Berlin – Management Moritz van Dülmen
Artistic director: Ulrike Becker, Dr. Pirkko Husemann, Matthias Lilienthal, André Thériault, Marion Ziemann
Production management: Kati Thiel, Anna Wagner, Marion Ziemann
Tanz im August is supported by the Governing Mayor of Berlin – Senate Chancellery – Cultural Affairs.
Supported by the Capital Culture Fund.

Video Documentation

The video documentation is produced on behalf of the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion. The purpose of this contract is to document productions in the field of contemporary dance in Berlin. The master recordings are archived by the University Library of the Berlin University of Arts. Copies of the recordings on DVD are available for viewing exclusively in the reference collections of the following archives (at media desks in these institutions):

University Library of the Berlin University of Arts
Mediathek für Tanz und Theater des Internationalen Theaterinstituts / Mime Centrum Berlin
Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin (HZT)

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