Production Details / Press Releases
If you want to escape the hustle and bustle of the world; if you want to reassure yourself that there is a spring and flowering trees on earth; if you want to get closer to the stars, go to the island of tranquillity.
Santiago Rusiñol ‘Mallorca, the Island of Tranquillity’ 1912
Their research on mass tourism led Christina and Darko to destinations that made history. Equipped with tourist hats and flip-flops, they set off for Prora on the island of Rügen as well as Paris, pushed their way through the overcrowded rooms of Neuschwanstein Castle and sought out the outdoor feeling in Brandenburg’s Tropical Islands.
They learned first-hand how some of these most popular, monumental travel locations work today. For the high season, they went to another monument of travel culture and booked an all-inclusive package for Mallorca: 24-hour breakfast buffet, flaterate booze and partying all night. But what satisfies the tastes of the masses is not without consequences. «Take me somewhere nice. Party without end, without meaning and without purpose» picks up on this tilted situation.
Since 2018, Christina Ciupke and Darko Dragičević have been continuously developing specific collaborative projects such as «Take me somewhere nice», «Silent Trio», «Lie & Theft as Practice» and «Failure as Practice». The artists combine their practices in the fields of choreography, dance, performance, visual arts and film in a complementary way. The spectrums of their individual skills in thinking, contextualization and movement practices merge to create new performative formats.
Christina Ciupke is a choreographer and performer based in Berlin. She develops her projects in cross-media collaborations. Within these projects, specific spaces and situations are created where proximity and distance, intimacy, sense of time and the being together of spectator and performer are constantly being re-negotiated. She has worked intensively with the choreographers Nik Haffner, Mart Kangro, Jasna L. Vinovrški and Ayşe Orhon, the composer Boris Hauf and the dramaturg Igor Dobričić. Since 2020, she has been developing the project «Silent Trio» with visual and performance artist Darko Dragičević.
Darko Dragičević (1979, Belgrade) lives and works as a visual artist, performer and filmmaker in Berlin. In his artistic practice, he explores the interfaces between visual art, choreography, video, film and performance across different media. Since 2003, he has shown his work internationally in various solo and group exhibitions, festivals and curated programs such as the Salon of the Museum of Contemporary Art Belgrade, the Kunstmuseum Bonn, The Armory Show New York, the Oberhausen Film Festival, the Ann Arbor Festival Michigan and Tanzfabrik Berlin. Since 2017 he has been working with the Goethe-Institut Belgrade as artistic director on the projects «Failure as Practice»,«Lie & Theft as Practice», «Inequality as Practice». As a lecturer he teaches at the SKH Stockholm University of the Arts, Freie Universität Berlin, Folkwang Universität Essen and the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln.
TFB Nr. 1855
Cast & Credits
Concept, Performance: Christina Ciupke and Darko Dragičević
Sound Design, Performance: Vera Pulido
Light Design: Martin Beeretz
Video: Darko Dragičević
Costume Design: Karin Rosemann
External Collaborator, Performance (Video): Silja Korn
Web Development: Daniel Massey
Graphic Design: Dragana Krtinić
Creative Production: Selina Glockner
Production Assistant: Clara Dünnebeil
«Take me somewhere nice» is a production by A lot of body GbR in co-production with Tanzfabrik Berlin.
Funded by the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion.
Tanzfabrik Berlin / Wedding
Uferstr. 23
13357 Berlin
Video Documentation
The video documentation is produced on behalf of the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion. The purpose of this contract is to document productions in the field of contemporary dance in Berlin. The master recordings are archived by the University Library of the Berlin University of Arts. Copies of the recordings on DVD are available for viewing exclusively in the reference collections of the following archives (at media desks in these institutions):
University Library of the Berlin University of Arts
Mediathek für Tanz und Theater des Internationalen Theaterinstituts / Mime Centrum Berlin
Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin (HZT)
Christina Ciupke / Trailers and Video Documentations
- Christina Ciupke: Interview / Portrait Christina Ciupke (2017)
- Christina Ciupke: Take me somewhere nice (2022)
- Christina Ciupke: Remixes (2022)
- Christina Ciupke: Silent Trio, Epilogue (2021)
- Christina Ciupke: Silent Trio, Chapter #4: Unfinished Archives (2020)
- Christina Ciupke: NOW AND THEN (2018)
- Christina Ciupke: At Close Distance (2017)
- Christina Ciupke: life and death of a melody (2016)
- Christina Ciupke: NEW WORK (2015)
- Christina Ciupke: Edition#1: to dance (2015)
- Christina Ciupke: undo, redo and repeat – Ein TANZFONDS ERBE Projekt (2014)
- Christina Ciupke: wait and see (2012)
- Christina Ciupke: kannst du mich umdrehen (2011)
- Christina Ciupke: dealing with life (2009)
- Christina Ciupke: Die andere Seite (2009)