Production Details / Press Releases
‘Undercover’ advocates choreography as an active ‘concealment’ of form and meaning in both a literal and a metaphoric sense. The project argues for the gesture of art, not only as the recovering of the forbidden, segregated, or otherwise under-represented, but also, and perhaps most importantly, as the appearance of the undercover by choice.
Cristina Caprioli
In the series “Leafing” visitors are invited to leaf through Caprioli’s thick book of dancing in three thematic shows that change weekly: “Silver”, “Spoons” and “Undercover”. “Undercover” is the last part of “Leafing” series and has a huge, black cloth spread across the floor. Unknown figures move beneath its surface and spectacular, sometimes threatening images emerge. Visitors are invited to join the undercover dancing, while on the outside, choreography is translated onto other bodies and materials in an extensive exhibition.
Cristina Caprioli is a dancer and choreographer based in Stockholm. In the mid 1990s she founded the independent organisation ccap, wherein she produces performances, installations, films, objects, publications and other choreographies, and runs long-term interdisciplinary research projects. Caprioli’s choreography is characterized by precision, complexity and physical high-technology. All of her productions challenge the field’s normative formats and exchange economies. During the years 2008 to 2013, Caprioli was a professor of choreographic composition at the School of Dance and Circus (DOCH) in Stockholm, and she has received a number of grants and awards. Fall 2021 Caprioli was awarded the ‘royal medal Illis quorum meruere labores’.
Louise Dahl is working within the field of dance and choreography with Stockholm as her base. She has worked with artists like Cristina Caprioli, Deborah Hay, Frédéric Gies, Margrét Sara Gudjónsdóttir, Jefta van Dinther, Alma Söderberg, Mårten Spångberg and Philip Berlin. Dahl has a longterm artistic collaboration with Hana Lee Erdman. Their work is characterized by a technical approach to the body from which they explore the physical manifestation of the invisible, sensorial and metaphysical realities. Their latest collaboration with the art-ist duo Marta Popivoda and Ana Vujanović has resulted in the video installation ‘Moss Does it Better’, exhibited at the Berlin Biennale 2022. Dahl is currently a dancer at Cullberg.
Samuel Draper is an artist and dancer, living in Berlin and working between Germany and Sweden. His work takes a transdisciplinary approach to the body and the compression of symbols. Samuel trained at Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance 2010–2013. From 2013–2017 he was a dancer with Cullberg where he performed works by Cristian Duarte, Trajal Harrell, Deborah Hay, Stina Nyberg and Jefta Van Dinther. As an independent artist, Samuel has been engaged in collaboration and performance with Frédéric Gies, pavleheidler, Claudia Hill, Winnie Ho, Lea Moro, Ania Nowak and Weld Company. In 2022 he joined the work of Cristina Caprioli/ccap for the first time.
ccap team:
Anna Grip has worked with Cristina Caprioli since 1982, first as a dancer and later on as a collaborator. Together with ccap she is also currently working with Hallen, a public space for social intra-actions through art. Besides and within the work of ccap Anna works with teaching and coaching for different organizations and she has previously worked as rehearsal director, ballet master, artistic director and teacher at several dance companies and institutions of educations.
Masha Taavoniku has worked as a coordinator and communicator at ccap since 2015. She has a bachelor’s degree with majors in art history (Stockholm University) and aesthetics (Södertörn University), and a master’s degree in aesthetics (Södertörn University). In 2017 she initiated and, in collaboration with Caprioli, produced the ccap exhibition Under Cover at Millesgården in Stockholm. From 2014 to 2017, Taavoniku and the curator Johan Norling ran the itinerant queer film program LQQKS. She has also worked as a host at Tensta konsthall and several years within the Swedish trade union movement. Aside from the ccap work, she is a freelance writer within the fields of art and aesthetics.
Anne Vigeland is a curator and producer based in Stockholm. She holds an MA in curating and a BA in art history from Stockholm University and has previously studied contemporary dance at P.A.R.T.S. in Brussels and the Royal Swedish Ballet School in Stockholm. She has worked with several artists and institutioons in Stockholm and elsewhere, including Accelerator, WIELS Contemporary Art Centre, Galerie Forsblom, MDT, and Humans since 1982. Vigeland has worked as a producer at ccap since March 2022. with Gisèle Vienne since 2016 and toured internationally with the performance Crowd. Since 2013, Berlin has collaborated regularly with Cristina Caprioli/ccap. Besides from his work at ccap, he has also initiated several choreographic projects, right now working on a new project initiated with Sophie Augot, the piece will premiere in Stockholm 2022.
Madeleine Lindh studied at the Royal Swedish Ballet School (1996–2004). After further studies in Amsterdam and work with Europa Danse Youth Company she continued to work with William Forsythe, Wayne McGregor, Angelin Preljocaj and Frédèric Flamand in the project DANCE (Dance Apprentice Network aCross Europe). Since 2010, she has had a close collaboration with Cristina Caprioli/ccap. Lindh’s work within ccap involves performances, installations, a novel, a photo book, plays, performative readings and dance films. At ccap, she also met Anja Arnquist with whom she runs the choreographic duo and production company OR/ELLE.
[Source: play bill]
TFB Nr. 1675
Cast & Credits
Choreography: Cristina Caprioli
cloth interactive | Performer: Louise Dahl, Samuel Draper
cloth.00 | performer in the film: Emelie Johansson and Cilla Olsen
Photography: Hakan Larsson
Film and Editing: Madeleine Lindh
In the frame of ONCE OVER TIME – a retrospective / Leafing
Concept: Cristina Caprioli
Curation: Cristina Caprioli with Anna Grip, Andrea Niederbuchner, Virve Sutinen
ccap Team: Anna Grip, Masha Taavoniku, Anne Vigeland
Supported by: Anna Grip AB, Embassy of Sweden Berlin, Region Stockholm, Swedish Arts Council, The City of Stockholm Cultural Administration, Carina Ari Foundations, The Barbro Osher Pro Suecia Foundation.
In co-production with: Cullberg, Tanz im August / HAU Hebbel am Ufer.
Commissioned by: Tanz im August / HAU Hebbel am Ufer.
The “Leafing” Series is presented in cooperation with the KINDL – Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst.
Tanz im August 2022
Artistic Director: Virve Sutinen
Executive Producer Festival: Stefan Nagel
Curator & Producer: Andrea Niederbuchner
Producer & Assistant to Artistic Director: Alina Scheyrer-Lauer
Producer: Ekaterina Voronova
Production Assistant: Johanna Herrschmann
Production Associates: Vivien Hohnholz, John Hoobyar, Mmakgosi Kgabi, Raquel Moreira, Lilli Ruopp, Tammo Walter
Technical Director Festival: Ingo Ruggenthaler
Tanz im August is a festival by HAU Hebbel am Ufer, funded by the Capital Cultural Fund.
KINDL Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst
Am Sudhaus 3
12053 Berlin
Video Documentation
The video documentation is produced on behalf of the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion. The purpose of this contract is to document productions in the field of contemporary dance in Berlin. The master recordings are archived by the University Library of the Berlin University of Arts. Copies of the recordings on DVD are available for viewing exclusively in the reference collections of the following archives (at media desks in these institutions):
University Library of the Berlin University of Arts
Mediathek für Tanz und Theater des Internationalen Theaterinstituts / Mime Centrum Berlin
Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin (HZT)
Cristina Caprioli / ccap / Trailers and Video Documentations
- Cristina Caprioli / ccap: rigor – my lips (from speaking) (2022)
- Cristina Caprioli / ccap: Spoons – att att5.7 (2022)
- Cristina Caprioli / ccap: Silver – The Missing Children: at tatt2.22 (2022)
- Cristina Caprioli / ccap: Omkretz2.22 (2022)
- Cristina Caprioli / ccap: Scary Solo (2022)
- Cristina Caprioli / ccap: A Line_up (2017)