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Aufnahme: 31.08.2013 , NAH DRAN 39 | ada Studio (Video © Walter Bickmann)

Annegret Schalke


NAH DRAN 39 | ada Studio in den Uferstudios

Texte zur Produktion

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„fest“* is a celebration of the doing and the thinking body. The dancer engages in states between excessive waste and calculated observation, excessive observation and calculated waste, holding and unholding form, supported or antagonized by a beat or the non-beat of silence, mastering and struggling, cheering and managing, compressing and dissolving.
* Fest is the German noun for celebration or festivity. As an adjective fest stands for solid, tight, strong, firm, definitely, constant, attached.

Annegret Schalke is a German performer, dancer and choreographer based in Berlin. Grown up as a mathematician she became a student in dance, context, choreography at HZT (Inter-University Center for Dance) Berlin from 2010 to 2013, where she remodeled her understanding of body and composition and started to develop her own choreographic processes. She collaborated with fellow students and artists like Kareth Schaeffer, Julian Weber, Anna Posch and Lee Meir, showing works in different festivals in Germany and Europe, the latest production being the work SOLI DEO GLORIA by Lee Meir and André Scioblowski, which premiered at the Thüringer Bachwoche Festival, April 2013.

Besetzung & Credits

Konzept & Performance: Annegret Schalke

ada Studio wird gefördert durch die Kulturverwaltung des Berliner Senats.
Leitung / Organisation: Gabi Beier
Pressearbeit: Silke Wiethe
Technische Leitung & Lichtdesign: Ansgar Tappert

ada Studio in den Uferstudios

Uferstr. 23
13357 Berlin


Tickets: (030) 21 80 05 07

Annegret Schalke / Trailer und Videodokumentationen

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