Texte zur Produktion
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This piece is an attempt to communicate and interpret thoughts through movement and sound with the use of improvisation.
What would thoughts sound and look like?
Thoughts come and go, they overwhelm you, they hunt you down, they possess you or they just pass by.
Is it possible to share some of this fragile and intimate moments on stage?
Irene Cortina González (*1989 Valencia/Spain) Dancer and maker. Graduated in Contemporary Dance at Conservatorio Profesional in Valencia and Bachelor of Dance at ArtEZ in The Netherlands. Living in Berlin, where she creates her own choreographic work and researches on movement. She is interested in clarity, precision and significance in movement. She also enjoys working with space, composition and images.
Dino Spiri (*1982 Singen/Germany) studied drums in the Netherlands. There he started to create music for dance performances. Currently attending the Alexander Technique teacher training program in Berlin. He is particularly interested in and researching on the richness that simplicity and clarity bring to his work.
Olaf Hollmann (*1985, Germany) is a young European tenor-saxophon-player and composer, experienced in many styles of music. As a saxophone-player he focuses especially on the free-improvised music/art. He was studying music and composition in Colonge/Germany, Arnhem/Netherlands and Stockholm/Sweden. He is also active as a film and theatre composer and is studying composition for film at the HFF Potsdam.
Besetzung & Credits
Regie & Tanz: Irene Cortina González
Live-Musik: Dino Spiri, Olaf Hollmann
Video projections: Christian Bilger
Special thanks to Christian Bilger
ada Studio in den Uferstudios
Die Videodokumentation wird im Auftrag der Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt hergestellt. Im Rahmen dieses Auftrags werden Produktionen im Bereich des zeitgenössischen Tanzes in Berlin dokumentiert. Die Masteraufnahmen werden von der Universitätsbibliothek der Universität der Künste Berlin archiviert. Kopien der Dokumentationen auf DVD werden folgenden Archiven zur Verfügung gestellt und sind ausschließlich im Präsenzbestand (an den Medienplätzen vor Ort) zur Sichtung zugänglich:
Universitätsbibliothek der Universität der Künste Berlin
Mediathek für Tanz und Theater des Internationalen Theaterinstituts / Mime Centrum Berlin
Hochschulübergreifendes Zentrum Tanz Berlin