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Recording: 2018-03-15 , DOCK 11 (Video © Walter Bickmann)

Bruno Genty



Production Details / Press Releases

KARIN WAEHNER (1926 – 1999) – EIGENSINNIG IN ZWISCHENRÄUMEN (Wilful in Spaces) . A TANZFONDS ERBE Project with WEGEHEN, Celui sans nom – recreation 2018, with an extensive supporting program connects Karin Waehner’s past and present in dance, choreography and teaching between generations and experiences. The results of the project will be presented in March 2018 at DOCK 11 and in spring 2018 as a part of TANZWOCHE in Dresden.

While Karin Waehner is considered as a pioneer of modern and contemporary dance in France, her name and work are rather unknown in Germany. This project aims to acknowledge her remarkable legacy in her native country.

In the performance WEGEHEN, individual working principles of Karin Waehner and their contemporary relevance are discussed using sequences from various choreographies. It’s about human situations. The interpretations are different for everyone, the movements similar. The choreographic excerpts are reminiscent of a saying by Mary Wigman, who also captures the dancing, choreographic and educational credo of her student Karin Waehner:
“… the simplest, the most difficult, the most beautiful step – the walk. You must work on it all your life.” (Mary Wigman, 1952)

Bruno Genty refuses to be “a model” or to provide copies. Annette Lopez Leal and Michael Gross find their own pictures and visibilities. Differences are not eradicated through the dictatorship of perfect synchronization – neither for the dancers nor the audience; neither in creation nor in reconstruction. Therefore, the project is considered a re-creation rather than a re-construction. This is the perspective on dance inheritance, passing on, and updating from the three performers in the project KARIN WAEHNER (1926 – 1999) – EIGENSINNIG IN ZWISCHENRÄUMEN (Wilful in Spaces). A TANZFONDS ERBE Project.

The starting point for WEGEHEN is a solo once created for Bruno Genty as one of Karin Waehner’s last pieces. The working title before 1989 was called Derrière le mur (Behind the Wall). For the premiere in 1990, it was titled Celui sans nom (Nameless). It was passed on in a specially defined rehearsal process and is re-performed in 2018 as a trio.

With a fine sense of humor, choreographer and dance teacher Bruno Genty masters the contemporary border between physical action and mental interpretation in the area of tension between abstraction and narration. Genty was trained in France at the time of Maurice Bejart and Pinok et Matho. Through his mentor Karin Waehner, he also refers to Mary Wigman’s and José Limón’s working methods.

Bruno Genty is supported by Annette Lopez Leal with whom he combines a style of work inspired by José Limón as well as physical dynamics and analytical musicality.


TFB Nr. 1172

Cast & Credits

Conception, Choreography, Direction, Dance: Bruno Genty
In collaboration with the dancers: Annette Lopez Leal, Michael Gross
Music: Thierry Estival, Eric Satie, N.N.
Dramaturgy: Heide Lazarus

KARIN WAEHNER (1926 – 1999) – Eigensinnig in Zwischenräumen. (Wilful in Spaces). A TANZFONDS ERBE Project
Idea, Dramaturgy, Organization: Heide Lazarus
Reconstruction / Director / Choreographer / Stage / Dance: Bruno Genty
Dance / choreographic assistance: Annette Lopez Leal
Dance / choreographic collaboration: Michael Gross
Photography / Documentation: Solaja Rechlin, Kamil Mrozowski
Public Relations: DOCK 11, Gesellschaft für Tanzforschung (gtf), Heide Lazarus
Graphic: Kirsten Seeligmüller
Assistance / Organization: Katja Karouaschan
Technique: Asier Solana
Finances: Anja Vogel
Scholarly advice: Dr. Josephine Fenger (D), Dr. Laure Guilbert (F), Dr. Claudia Fleischle-Braun (D)

Funded by TANZFONDS ERBE – an initiative by the Federal Cultural Foundation
Coproduction: DOCK 11

Rehearsal place: Institute of Dance Arts (IDA) of the Anton Bruckner Private University in Linz
Historical material: Karin Waehner Association – Les Cahiers de l’Oiseau
Guest performance: March/26.,27. by TANZWOCHE Dresden, 2018

Supported by: Archive of the Academy of Arts, Berlin; Compagnie Epiphane / Jean Masse; Solaja Rechlin; Peter Jarchow; Center Lafaurie Monbadon; “Karin Waehner, une artiste migrante. Archives, patrimoine et histoire transculturelle de la danse” (Research project of University of Paris 8).


Kastanienallee 79
10435 Berlin



Video Documentation

The video documentation is produced on behalf of the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion. The purpose of this contract is to document productions in the field of contemporary dance in Berlin. The master recordings are archived by the University Library of the Berlin University of Arts. Copies of the recordings on DVD are available for viewing exclusively in the reference collections of the following archives (at media desks in these institutions):

University Library of the Berlin University of Arts
Mediathek für Tanz und Theater des Internationalen Theaterinstituts / Mime Centrum Berlin
Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin (HZT)

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