Production Details / Press Releases
In Greek Mythology Atlas was the one condemned to stand with the Earth and Heavens on his shoulders. Ana Borralho & João Galante aim to turn the theatre back into a political space: 100 people on stage. A landscape of people with different professions, claiming their position in society, mapping a sort of “atlas” of the complex cohesion of a social tissue. A quiet revolution.
One of the first ideas for this piece were the ideas of the artist Joseph Beuys: “We are the revolution” and “Everybody is an artist”. He enlarged the area of art to the whole life of mankind, introducing the notion of social scupture. The structure of the performance is inspired by the children’s song ‚If one elephant disturbs many people, two elephants disturb much more, if two elephants disturb many people, three elephants disturb much more, …’ The performance has been developed in a four days workshop and two full rehearsals. The workshop is already part of the artwork.
Ana Borralho and João Galante met each other while studying visual arts at AR.CO and worked together regularly in the nineties as actors/co-creators with the famous Portuguese physical theater group Olho. Since 2004 their work has been shown on international festivals in Portugal, Spain, France, Switzerland, Scotland, Germany, United Arab Emirates, Japan, Brazil, Italy, England, Czech Republic, Zlovaquia, Finland, Slovenia, Belgium, Hungary, Poland, Canada, Estonia, etc. Borralho and Galante are co-founders of the non-musicians band Jimmie Durham and the casaBranca cultural association. They are also artistic directors/curators of the live art festival Verão Azul (Lagos/Portugal). They live and work in Lisbon and Lagos (Portugal).
Cast & Credits
Concept, light and artistic direction: Ana Borralho & João Galante
Lighting advice: Thomas Walgrave
Sound: Coolgate
Artistic avisor: Fernando J. Ribeiro
Dramaturgy cooperation: Rui Catalão
Artistic cooperation and coordination: Tiago Gandra, André Uerba, Cátia Leitão (Alface)
Production and Touring: Andrea Sozzi
Production management: Mónica Samões
Production Berlin, Casting: Veronika Bökelmann
Tech: Víctor Fernàndez De Tejada Pequeño, Stefan Wöhrmann, Fabian Bleisch, Hervé Feudjio, Juan Gabriel Harcha, Enrico Hoff
Catering: Judith Gamm
Assistant: Juan Gabriel Harcha
Performers in Berlin: Abbas Qabbani, Aiko Badock, Alfons Sperl, Aljoscha Rosowski, Allison Schlesinger, Alma Assmann, Amela Darling, Amjad Alkaraan, Amy Jane, Angelika Ohse, Anika Hoffmann, Anke Fichtner, Anna Münster, Astrid Raguse, Barbara Eckert, Barbara Friedrich, Bashar Aljajan, Benjamin Bouliere, Bernhard Richarz, Brigitte Lüdecke, Christian Jacobs, Claudia Assmann, Damian Cortez Sanchez, Daniel, Dev Darshan Kaur, Dolly Leupold, Doris Citro, Dörte Badock, Dr. Petra Rostock, Elsa Willking, Eva Dieban, Eva Günther, Eva Lange-Müller, Fernanda Vizeu, Fournet Samuel, Franz Willking, Franziska von Petersenn, Frauke Krahnert, Giuseppe Sofo, Gordana Maksimovic, Hamiyet Ceylan, Hamza Qabbani, Heike Prestin, Heinz, Hervé Feudjio, Imke Gronwald, Inga Gögge, Ingo Keil, Ismail Karaykupoglu, Jaha, Jeannine Schröder, Jens Schubert, Joana Lucas, Johanna Haseloff, Johanna Posiege, Julia Paulisch, Karam Alallaf, Katarina Ivanovic, Kira Paulina Pankrath, Kristina Stang, Leandro Uria, Leonie Philine Bitto, Lisa Jura, Lucia Albini, Madeleine White, Maria Wollny, Marit Bugge, Marita Rosowski, Marlies Mäder, Martha Willking, Martina Janssen, Mohamed Asli, Natasa Nikolic, Nico Woche, Nour Asha, Ok-Hee Jeong, Olivia Hahn, Paula Burneikaite, Petter Boos, Petra Hentschel, Renata Tunsunovic, Ryota Maeda, Saad Quabbani, Shqiprim Balazoski, Sofia Varino, Suoda Kucolovic, Tamera Vinhas da Silva, Tereza Kreim, Tijana Vukmirović, Uli Decker, Ulrike Gropengießer, Uwe Berger, Volker Sobottke, Walter Dieban, Wolfgang Müller and others
Concept: Barbara Friedrich / Eva Maria Hoerster
Program management: Eva Maria Hoerster
Production management: Annette van Zwoll
Press / Public Relations: Anne Passow
Technical management: Benjamin Schälike
“ATLAS Berlin” is presented at the Uferstudios Berlin as part of the project “AUSUFERN” funded by the Governing Mayor of Berlin – Senatskanzlei- Cultural Affairs.
CasaBranca receives structural support from the Ministry of Culture Portugal / Direcção Geral das Artes.
Video Documentation
The video documentation is produced on behalf of the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion. The purpose of this contract is to document productions in the field of contemporary dance in Berlin. The master recordings are archived by the University Library of the Berlin University of Arts. Copies of the recordings on DVD are available for viewing exclusively in the reference collections of the following archives (at media desks in these institutions):
University Library of the Berlin University of Arts
Mediathek für Tanz und Theater des Internationalen Theaterinstituts / Mime Centrum Berlin
Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin (HZT)