Production Details / Press Releases
in\TWO SOLOS by Jorge Morro and Norbert Servos
If you were used to think in a unity of two you have to recreate yourself as a single person. Two dance solos with the same subject: the fear of loneliness – from a female and from a male perspective. But man and woman have one thing in common: They have to overcome their ego in order to find a new beginning. In their desperation they try out whatever promises a way out of the disaster: an imaginary speed dating, dreaming of an ideal partner, a firework of virtuosity. But at the end nothing works. Failing as chance.
NOT COMING BACK – A Woman’s Solo
A woman in a space alone, perhaps in a hotel room where she used to meet her partner. He doesn’t appear any longer but she keeps coming back to this room again and again until she is not able to leave anymore. She finds herself trapped like an animal, not being able to move, not finding the way out. She is lost in her memories, dreams, sometimes nightmares. The only way to free herself is taking a close look to her inside. The piece tells her story, exploring her emotional landscapes. She is running away from her own shadow. Trying to be somebody else. Creating her perfect partner. She imagines to go to a speed dating, but there is nobody answering her. She faces her actual situation. Some places never let you go. The piece talks about how we leave and how we are left at the same time. Running faster and faster she managed to stop time. She is timeless … the only thing left is her strong breathing. With her breath she recreates herself new … Light!
JORGE MORRO Graduated in Classical ballet at the Real Conservatorio de Madrid. Also studied Music and Piano as well as acting and singing. He went to London where he got his diploma in Ballet and Contemporary dance at the Central School of Ballet under the direction of Christopher Gable, who also directed Northern Ballet Theatre and gave him his first professional contract to join the company. Taking part of the International Dance Course for Professional Choreographers and Composers (founded by John Cage), under the direction of Robert Cohen, he starts his connection with Contemporary Dance. Since 18 years he has been working in stable companies as well as freelance. Worked with Amanda Miller, Dominique Bagouet, Meryl Tankard, Marguerite Donlon, Didy Veldman, Sasha Waltz, Joachim Schlömer and Itzik Galili. In 2004 he received the Mopix award for the best on screen performance at the Moving Picture Festival of Dance on Film and Video in Toronto in Norbert Servos’ film “Elements of Mine”, coproduction with NDR and Arte. Since 1994 he is connected with the Berlin dance scene, worked with Tolada dance Company/Joseph Tmim, MS Schrittmacher/Martin Stiefermann, Alex B, Be Van Vark Company, Talking Legs/Livia Patrizi, Berlin Ballet/Komische Oper, Sasha Waltz and Guests and Norbert Servos. With DanceLab, founded by Norbert Servos, he started to collaborate as a choreographer. He created “Where I have never been” for DanceLab Festival “A/skin'” in the Academy of arts. “En solo diez minutos” for the Autmn Festival in Madrid, “How it Happens” and the dance film “I think I have seen you before” for Komische Oper Berlin. Together with Servos he choreographed the Cuban/German co-production “Drink, Smoke – Made In Havana” for Haus der Kulturen der Welt Berlin and in 2010 “Valbarena” for Staatstheater Braunschweig. Also collaborating and working with the Dutch company Club Guy and Roni in Groningen. Together with Servos he is now the artistic director of DanceLab.
SILVIA VENTURA born in Padua began her dance studies in the ballet academy Centro Studi Danza Classica with Mariolina Giaretta and Andrea Francescon. In Nice (France) she attended the Centre de Formation Professionelle et d’Etudes Superieures en Danse offjazz and in London she was guesting at the London Contemporary Dance School and Rambert School. Besides ballet and contemporary dance, she took a closer look into release technique, contact improvisation and composition. Since 1993 she has been living in Berlin and working with several dance companies, choreographers and directors among others with Alex Be, Be Van Vark, Tanzfabrik, dance company Rubato, Michael Honesseau/Tanztheater Bas-Relief, Ernst Busch Schule/Choreography Departement, Theater Thikwa, Norbert Servos and Jorge Morro/DanceLab Berlin and Constanza Macras/Dorky Park. She choreographed her own work, creating pieces for the Berlin Biennale, the Festival in Arena di Padova and the School of Performing Arts DIE ETAGE. As choreographer and dramatic advisor she is collaborating with dancers, areal artists, jugglers and acrobats in Padua, Bern and Bochum.
NORBERT SERVOS born in 1956 in Germany near Cologne, was a co-founder of the magazine Ballett international and for seven years a member of the editorial board. Within this period of time the magazine emerged to the leading dance magazine in Europe. Since 1983 he is working as a freelance choreographer and writer and published 15 books on Pina Bausch and the development of German Dance Theater as well as poetry. He choreographed more than 20 dance pieces in Germany and abroad which were invited to international dance festivals. Besides his choreographic work he is a guest teacher and lecturer for contemporary dance and choreography. In 1993 he founded DanceLab Berlin at the Academy of Arts. For DanceLab he created numerous pieces, among others the prize winning dance film “Elements of Mine” (2004) for Arte/NDR with dancers Jorge Morro and Nicola Mascia and together with Jorge Morro the dance theater piece “Drink, Smoke – Made In Havana” (2004), a co-production with DanzAbierta Cuba. At the end of 2005 he published “Schritte verfolgen – Die Tänzerin und Choreographin Susanne Linke”, in 2008 “Solange man unterwegs ist – Die Tänzerin und Choreographin Reinhild Hoffmann” and in 2012 “Pina Bausch – Dance Theatre”, all at K. Kieser Verlag, Munich. In 2010 he directed together with Eva-Maria Lerchenberg-Thöny the international dance festival “Tanzwelten” in Braunschweig, where he also premiered the dance theatre production “Valbarena” together with co-choreographer Jorge Morro for the states theatre. Norbert Servos is one of the important pioneers of contemporary dance in Germany and an international renowned specialist on dance theatre with worldwide publications.
Cast & Credits
choreographed and directed by Jorge Morro
danced and performed by Silvia Ventura
text: Matthias Wittekindt
music: Marianne Faithful
light design: Wil Frikken (Grand Theatre Groningen)
set and costumes: Jorge Morro
A Production of DanceLab Berlin and Grand Theatre Groningen.
Supported by Kunstraad Groningen and Bezirksamt Pankow von Berlin, Amt für Weiterbildung und Kultur, FB Kunst und Kultur.
DanceLab Berlin:
artistic directors: Norbert Servos and Jorge Morro
production assistant: Nicolas Weidtman
Special thanks to Tanzakademie balance 1, Mime Centrum Berlin, Club Guy & Roni, Jolanda Darbyshire and Stephan Besson/Berliner Ensemble.
Kastanienallee 79
10435 Berlin
Video Documentation
The video documentation is produced on behalf of the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion. The purpose of this contract is to document productions in the field of contemporary dance in Berlin. The master recordings are archived by the University Library of the Berlin University of Arts. Copies of the recordings on DVD are available for viewing exclusively in the reference collections of the following archives (at media desks in these institutions):
University Library of the Berlin University of Arts
Mediathek für Tanz und Theater des Internationalen Theaterinstituts / Mime Centrum Berlin
Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin (HZT)