Production Details / Press Releases
WET, FLUID, GLITCHY – How do we feel and think in times of global Liquefaction, where the planet and other bodies are under pressure. In a world in which the human and the non-human, the familiar and the alien are deeply implicated with each other. The performance explores these unspeakable worlds of fleshy geometries and liquefied landscapes. Slime Dynamics is a collaboration between light, drool, speech, sound, three female bodies and 200 liters of artificial slime, wood and plastic. Together they traverse the tensions between talking and leaking, formation and dissolving of meaning, desire and disgust, sedimentation and liquefaction. In a choreography between form and formlessness these human and non-human bodies open up a space in which we are all entangled through intimacy and alienation.
SIEGMAR ZACHARIAS explores the politics of alienation and intimacy in embodied thinking/being with matter in collaborations with humans and non-humans. Her work develops formats of performances, installations, discursive encounters and curation dealing with questions of agency and ecology of artistic practice. They are situated between labour and humour, do-it-yourself low tech and high tech. They have been presented nationally and internationally at festivals, in theatres, galleries, green houses, clubs, the woods and up in the sky. Currently she investigates a post human poet(h)ics with works like The Cloud – A Cosmo-Choreography made by animals/vegetables/minerals/humans/- concepts and emotions, Dirty Thinking, Invasive Hospitality, Dirty Talk Series, Matter-stages of agency(conference) , The Other Thing (24 hours symposium) and Slime Dynamics. She teaches internationally and is a regular guest teacher at DOCH / Uniarts Stockholm, HZT / UdK Berlin and DAS Theatre / DAS Graduate School Amsterdam.
SANDRA BLATTERER lives and works in Berlin. Her multi-level works take their lead from different genres of media studies, music, photography, graphic design and interior architecture in order to extend the parameters of performance art. Sandra Blatterer investigates different methods of artistic light development and the effect of a variety of light qualities on spaces. For her lighting designs Sandra analyses choreographies, movement processes, gestures and speech fragments of performers in order to assemble them into coherent visual images.
DAVID ECKELMANN lives and works between Berlin and Leipzig as a producer and dramaturge with various artists. He has a particular interest in somatic practices, even though he does not understand the most of it. That’s what makes it so interesting. As he is interested in many bodies as an open, hybrid system, he has initiated P-Bodies to create a platform for performing arts in Leipzig. So far, he finds no answer to the question of whether there is something that is not important to him (atomic fission, feather boas, funding structures).
STEVE HEATHER (AU) musician, composer, performance and installation artist based in Berlin. Steve studied music and performance studies in Melbourne and Amsterdam. A drummer always focuses on the inner and outer corporeal experience of sound production and reception.
GIULIA PAOLUCCI was born in Italy. She currently lives and works in Berlin and across Europe as a freelance stage and costume designer and visual artist. After studying stage and costume design at the Kunsthochschule Berlin- Weißensee, her work encompasses performance, installation, as well as film and projects in public space with a focus on interdisciplinary and collaborative work approaches. In her work she deals with space, architecture, and landscape in relation to bodies where she explores different environments in relation to the context and content, such as inner drives, states, text, sound and light.
JULIA RODRÍGUEZ lives and works in Berlin and Mexico City as a Performing Artist. Her current work examines the gap between thinking and experiencing, the politics of expectations, and the realm between desire and routine. She choreographes speeches, situations, things, and dances.
MIRJAM SÖGNER is an Austrian choreographer and performer based in Berlin. Her work is deeply rooted in movement research and driven by the urge to create with and through bodily knowledge. She received her education in dance, choreography and artistic research both in Vienna and at Artez Arnhem (NL). Places as e. g. Dansens Hus Oslo, Brut Vienna, Frascati Amsterdam, Rote Fabrik Zürich, Berliner Tanztage, Dschungel Wien, Circuit-Est Montréal a. o. have hosted her choreographic works. Currently she is creating her new work Rays, which will premiere in March 2018 at Brut Vienna.
[Source: play bill]
TFB Nr. 1135
Cast & Credits
CONCEPT: Siegmar Zacharias
REALISED BY: Julia Rodriguez, Mirjam Sögner, Siegmar Zacharias, Sandra Blatterer, Giulia Paolucci, Steve Heather, Guilia Paolucci, David Eckelmann
A production by Siegmar Zacharias in cooperation with FFT Düsseldorf and SOPHIENSÆLE.
Funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe.
Thanks to Igor Dobricic, Alice Chauchat, Jared Gradinger and MDT Stockholm.
Video Documentation
The video documentation is produced on behalf of the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion. The purpose of this contract is to document productions in the field of contemporary dance in Berlin. The master recordings are archived by the University Library of the Berlin University of Arts. Copies of the recordings on DVD are available for viewing exclusively in the reference collections of the following archives (at media desks in these institutions):
University Library of the Berlin University of Arts
Mediathek für Tanz und Theater des Internationalen Theaterinstituts / Mime Centrum Berlin
Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin (HZT)