Production Details / Press Releases
The tower of Babel, Torheit, Folly, rendered as Fa Li … La Li … La li la li la.
This piece deals with two dimensions of community and communication: desperation and folly (in German: Torheit / in Solfège: Fa Li).
In architecture, a folly is an extravagant and often «useless» construction. In everyday usage it can also mean silliness, madness, joy or a favorite place of residence. Here, community is to be understood less as a group that shares a common vision or a common goal than as a temporary space-time event in which the other may be encountered. What is the nature of encounter in this space of desperation and folly?
The Gray Voice Ensemble sings the songs of Albert McCloud: the name of a collective authorship to which The Anonymous Writing Group (TAWG) belongs. Many of Fa Li’s multilingual texts were created by TAWG. The work of the ensemble is an interdisciplinary learning process in sound, image and movement.
The Gray Voice Ensemble is an interdisciplinary choir project founded by Elisabeth Wood in Berlin in 2013. An open call brings together 20 to 50 laypersons each year.
Elisabeth Wood, born in 1977 in Provo, UT, USA, has lived in Berlin since 2003. Her work investigates the voice. She has directed The Gray Voice Ensemble in Berlin since 2013.
TFB Nr. 1455
Cast & Credits
By / with: The Gray Voice Ensemble directed by Elisabeth Wood
Tanznacht Berlin Vertigo (Part One)
Project manager & curator: Jacopo Lanteri
Co-curator: Julian Weber
Co-Project manager: Inge Zysk
Technical director: Andreas Harder
Production management: Raquel Moreira
Scientific support program: Mariama Diagne
Marketing & PR: Michael Tsouloukidse
PR: Felicitas Zeeden
Tanznacht Berlin is presented by the Tanzfabrik Berlin.
Funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe. Multi-sector funding for Festivals and Series, 4 years.
Supported by Institut français and the French Ministry of Culture / DGCA.
In Cooperation with Uferstudios GmbH and Deutsches Zentrum des Internationalen Theaterinstituts (ITI) // Mediathek für Tanz und Theater Berlin.
Tanzfabrik Berlin / Wedding
Uferstr. 23
13357 Berlin
Video Documentation
The video documentation is produced on behalf of the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion. The purpose of this contract is to document productions in the field of contemporary dance in Berlin. The master recordings are archived by the University Library of the Berlin University of Arts. Copies of the recordings on DVD are available for viewing exclusively in the reference collections of the following archives (at media desks in these institutions):
University Library of the Berlin University of Arts
Mediathek für Tanz und Theater des Internationalen Theaterinstituts / Mime Centrum Berlin
Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin (HZT)