Production Details / Press Releases
What happens when you leave your homeland, your mother language and common sense, and you enter into an uncertain space where there are no longer references? What we leave behind keeps evolving, developing a life while we are not there. You are still there – but as an absent presence (for your family, your loved ones). How do we deal with this double status? We are moving in a new world, without known references as basic as language (in its broad sense) and we carry our own known world as an invisible shadow.
Sonia Rodríguez was born in Las Palmas de Gran Canarias (Spain), she is a dance choreographer based in Berlin. Her professional career began as an interpreter and dancer for the Cia Provisional Dance , Charleroi Danses ,En-Knap , Stageworks Rui Horta, H2dance, Lanonima Imperial, Lior Lev,Cobosmika, La Baraka,Cie Yann Lheureux , Cie Dysoundbo, Hausgemacht Company The Company Cía. Sonia Rodríguez was founded in 2002 and received the support from KRTU, C.C Heidelberg, Canaria Cultura en Red and Goethe Institut. Her work was being shown in Europe, America and Asia.
Enrico Paglialunga is an Italian choreographer-dancer-teacher and co-director of InCapsula, based in Berlin since 2015. He moved to Germany working as a soloist dancer at GHTheater in Görlitz. In the last 5 years he collaborated with Helena Waldmann, Theater Strahl Berlin & DeDansers (NL), TANZtheater International Hannover, Theater an der Parkaue Berlin, TanzFabrik Berlin, IDEA Festival Amman- Jordan, Transforma Berlin. Most recently he was rehearsal director and choreographer assistant for ‘DE FESCHE MODE’ by Marko Weigert & Dan Pelleg and co-choreographer for the SKYtv Series “BABYLON BERLIN”.
Giacomo Mattogno is an Italian Berlin-based composer, musician and producer, in the field of contemporary/electronic music. After training in sound engineering and use of music associated with visual (from the St. Louis Academy in Rome), and after several experiences with live performances and soundtracks, he moved to Berlin where he founded the projects Junction to Humanity and Nordpathrecords. His works combine organic and electronic music, building an atmosphere of noises and sounds able to evoke non-linear elements, thus capturing different moods of the listener. Giacomo is currently collaborating with different artists, dancers, musicians and exhibitors.
The soundance festival berlin presents joint projects by dancers, choreographers, musicians and composers from the Berlin independent scene and invites international guest artists. As a stimulus for dialogue between the various disciplines, the festival presents a broad spectrum of artistic styles, from contemporary dance to real-time music, from Post Butoh to New Jazz and improvisation – analog and electronic. Across generations, diverse works and formats between sound and movement will be experienced by audiences in theater and urban space.
TFB Nr. 1518
Cast & Credits
Choreography, Dance: Sonia Rodríguez, Enrico Paglialunga
Composition, Sounddesign: Giacomo Mattogno
Lights: Daniel Miranda
soundance festival berlin 2021
Artistic production management, curation: Jenny Haack
Co-curation Open Call: Meinrad Kneer
Production & festival assistant: Helene Suhr
Social media, PR: Aïsha Mia Lethen Bird
Press: Kerstin Böttcher
Technical direction: Asier Solana
In coproduction with the DOCK11 team
The soundance festival berlin 2021 is a project by b.arts.u – berlin arts united in coproduction with DOCK ART and is funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe.
Kastanienallee 79
10435 Berlin
Video Documentation
The video documentation is produced on behalf of the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion. The purpose of this contract is to document productions in the field of contemporary dance in Berlin. The master recordings are archived by the University Library of the Berlin University of Arts. Copies of the recordings on DVD are available for viewing exclusively in the reference collections of the following archives (at media desks in these institutions):
University Library of the Berlin University of Arts
Mediathek für Tanz und Theater des Internationalen Theaterinstituts / Mime Centrum Berlin
Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin (HZT)