Production Details / Press Releases
Two beers to start and two beers to continue, I want to go home….
Recuerdos del presente insists on the rhythm of the Andean Cumbia and its tonalities recalling nostalgia during celebration. A space that puts in dialogue three elements that emerged from the research: the cumbia, the ch’alla and the party; these create an intermediate space where different imaginaries and narratives meet, having at its center the contradiction – opposition sadness/happiness, loneliness/companionship. The performer explores a re-encounter with traces of family parties, shared intoxications, zapateos rompe taquito that go through an exercise of memory and from a feeling of nostalgia the social is re-defined through the symbolic.
Sharon Mercado Nogales Choreographer/ Dancer from the Andes- Bolivia based in Berlin. She studied at the B.A. Program HZT Berlin and at the Wayruru Project in La Paz. In her work she incorporates autobiographical material that goes through an exercise of memory, with the aim of creating body practices. She constantly seeks to provoke the current cultural spectrum through the body, working with the resignification of her materials. She is currently part of the collective Moviendo Territorios and the dance collective cobracobra. In 2020 she developed the dance practice “Technocumbia” inspired by the 90s contest “Sábados Populares”. Her works were presented in Bolivia, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Peru, Chile and Spain.
Decolonial and intersectional BIPoC/Latinx (Black Indigenous People of Color/of Latin origin) platform for dance, performance, installation, documentary, discourse and screen dance.
PLATAFORMA BERLIN makes the body the protagonist and overarching theme, exploring the current existential crisis of humanity; it is a transdisciplinary reflection that connects the ancestors and the future of human and non-human bodies in the twilight of ecological catastrophe. PLATAFORMA BERLIN creates a movement of intercontinental Amazons & Shamans proposing geopolitical actions that address the way we influence society with myths, rituals, animality and statements about progress.
The artists* from Bolivia, Mexico and Peru invited to this 10th edition of PLATAFORMA BERLIN embody the transformation of colonial wounds and break the spell of colonial programming.
PLATAFORMA BERLIN is an initiative of BIPoC/Latinx curator Martha Hincapié Charry in collaboration with a group of local artists and institutions including Barazani, DOCK 11, Radialsystem, Instituto Cervantes, Uferstudios Berlin, Mime Centrum, Goethe-Institut and Ibero-American Embassies.
TFB Nr. 1784
Cast & Credits
Concept, Performance: Sharon Mercado Nogales
Dramaturgy assistance: Luisa Mateo Dupleich Rozo
Mix & Production: Caballo en L/ La Perla Andina
Music references: Amor Sagrado- Chuxña Manzana, Tayhana- Negra Brava, Chuquimamani Condori- Live set 2020, Mix Las culisueltas, Mix huayño Zapateo Ronisch, Sharon Mercado Nogale- Dame Veneno (Prod. Caballo en L/ La Perla Andina)
Stage design & costume: Sharon Mercado Nogales
Video: Producciones Maxilogos 3D
Kastanienallee 79
10435 Berlin
Video Documentation
The video documentation is produced on behalf of the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion. The purpose of this contract is to document productions in the field of contemporary dance in Berlin. The master recordings are archived by the University Library of the Berlin University of Arts. Copies of the recordings on DVD are available for viewing exclusively in the reference collections of the following archives (at media desks in these institutions):
University Library of the Berlin University of Arts
Mediathek für Tanz und Theater des Internationalen Theaterinstituts / Mime Centrum Berlin
Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin (HZT)