Production Details / Press Releases
Does the perfect work of art exist? What does „perfect work of art“ even mean? The answer to this question has to be ironic?
Big Data changes our way of thinking and acting radically: we can do things that we could never do before. Modern technology enables us to record and analyse an enormous amount of data; amongst other things information about successful and popular art, as well as the way it is consumed. The results of these analyses are used to generate economically successful productions. Is it possible to label a succession of statistically defined success strategies as art? Will the artists one day be replaced by machines, which will generate art based on actual trends and events? Will art, as a result of this, become more actual and contemporary, in ultimate harmony with the zeitgeist?
In „We know what’s hot where and when“ Amit Jacobi questions the hypothesis of a possibly perfect performance. Together with performer Ixchel Mendoza Hernandez, Beat-Maker and Sound-Artist Rocky B and fine artists Moran Sanderovich, Monika Grabuschnigg and Anna Trautfest, Jacobi will design a chaotic space, in which a – based on a statistically designed success recipe – Megamix, consisting of fine art, short scenes, Spoken Word and choreographies, will be exhibited and performed.
If art is just a product and artists replicate and refine the recipe for success piece by piece to increase their success, will this art still have enough interspace that is open for subversion? Or will this subversion be fully integrated into the cynical entertainment mechanism, in order to guarantee the actual identification of the individual with his environment and thus with society as a whole?
„We know what is hot where and when“: a performance and sales exhibition on success, art and the market.
Cast & Credits
Concept, choreography: Amit Jacobi
Performance: Rocky B, Amit Jacobi, Ixchel Mendoza Hernandez
Artworks: Michael Bennett, Monika Grabuschnigg, Moran Sanderovich, Anna Tautfest, Amit Jacobi
Sound Design: Rocky B
Light Design: Andreas Harder
Dramaturgy: Sivan Ben Yishai
Funded by the Governing Mayor of Berlin – Senate Chancellery – Cultural Affairs.
With kind support of the Uferstudios and TATWERK | PERFORMATIVE FORSCHUNG.
Video Documentation
The video documentation is produced on behalf of the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion. The purpose of this contract is to document productions in the field of contemporary dance in Berlin. The master recordings are archived by the University Library of the Berlin University of Arts. Copies of the recordings on DVD are available for viewing exclusively in the reference collections of the following archives (at media desks in these institutions):
University Library of the Berlin University of Arts
Mediathek für Tanz und Theater des Internationalen Theaterinstituts / Mime Centrum Berlin
Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin (HZT)