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Travelogue I - Twenty to eight
Recording: 2011-03-11 , Radialsystem (Video © Walter Bickmann)

Sasha Waltz & Guests

Travelogue I – Twenty to eight


Production Details / Press Releases

Humor, aggression and sensuality are important elements of my choreographic work. Use of concrete objects, sets, film editing techniques and the grotesque movements of the silent movies are major sources of inspiration in developing my movement vocabulary. The language is expressive and emotional, but still leaves space for abstraction. The simple events of daily life with comic turning points build the contrast to the dramatic and emotionally loaded parts. I concentrate on detail and the subtlety of gestures and action to create an intricate and rhythmic picture of our time. Cliché and stereotype transform the characters into caricatures of themselves. The music is a driving force in the creation of my pieces. For TRAVELOGUE the music is an original composition by Tristan Honsinger.

Starting point of »Travelogue I – Twenty to eight« is the kitchen. On this location, five people meet. The kitchen acts as a mirror in which rituals, habits and behavior patterns can be observed and reflected as they truly are. Through these reflections a web of relationships is woven. The characters run around, neurotic and obsesessive in their actions, lonely and lost, unable to find a way out, prisoners of their own social structures.

Cast & Credits

Director and concept: Sasha Waltz
Stage design: Barbara Steppe
Light design: Tomski Binsert and André Pronk
Music: Tristan Honsinger Quintet, Jean-Marc Zelwer, “Le Tourment de Vassilissa la Belle”
Dance: Davide Camplani, Maria Marta Colusi, Edivaldo Ernesto, Mamajeang Kim and Florencia Lamarca
The piece was developed by and with the dancers Nasser Martin-Gousset, Ákos Hargitay / Thomas Lehmen, Takako Suzuki, Charlotte Zerbey and Sasha Waltz.

Assistant: Steffen Döring
Repetition: Takako Suzuki
Light: Martin Hauk
Sound: Lutz Nerger
Cloakroom: Federico Polucci
Assistant Technical Director: Carsten Grigo
Technical management: Martin Hauk

Directorate Sasha Waltz & Guests: Jochen Sandig

A coproduction by Sasha Waltz & Guests and the Grand Theater Groningen, NL. With the kind support of the Senate Administration for Cultural Affairs Berlin,
The Fonds Darstellende Künste e.V. and the Initiative Neue Musik Berlin e.V. Sasha Waltz & Guests is funded by the Capital Culture Fund.


Holzmarkstraße 33
10243 Berlin

Tickets: (030) 288 788 588

Video Documentation

The video documentation is produced on behalf of the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion. The purpose of this contract is to document productions in the field of contemporary dance in Berlin. The master recordings are archived by the University Library of the Berlin University of Arts. Copies of the recordings on DVD are available for viewing exclusively in the reference collections of the following archives (at media desks in these institutions):

University Library of the Berlin University of Arts
Mediathek für Tanz und Theater des Internationalen Theaterinstituts / Mime Centrum Berlin
Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin (HZT)

Sasha Waltz & Guests / Trailers and Video Documentations

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