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Aufnahme: 08.10.2020 , KINDL - Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst (Video © Walter Bickmann)

Constanza Macras | DorkyPark, Itinerant Dance Ensemble, Lisi Estarás



Texte zur Produktion

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Itinerant Dance Ensemble is a platform in constant movement that connects female dancers, directors, and choreographers to generate great work opportunities for female freelance artists. Following SOMETHING (2018), BIBLIOMANIACS under the direction of Lisi Estarás is the second production of Itinerant Dance Ensemble.

Lisi Estarás was born in Argentina. She spent more than 20 years dancing in les ballets C de la B (Gent, Belgium). At the same time, she developed her own choreographic works for les ballets and worked in collaboration with other artists. Together with Constanza Macras, she worked on Hillbrowfication (Maxim Gorki Theater) and appeared on stage in No Wonder (Schaubühne). In 2018, she founded the dance company MonkeyMind Company I Lisi Estaras in Gent. Since then, she has been developing her new works in her unique dance language that she calls „MonkeyMind.“

“Words define what is there. What exists. The rest are speculations. Words are the base of misunderstandings.”
(Ludwig Wittgenstein)

“What I say is never what I say but instead something else”
(Clarice Lispector)

In BIBLIOMANIACS, six women create an exposed universe of words and movements where both worlds compete with each other in order to endure, to transcend. Beautiful poetry mixed with straightforward monologues and sexual phantasies bring us to the past and the very present in a tense and unsuccessful dialogue. The unique physicality of BIBLIOMANIACS belongs to what I define as the monkey mind language: the incessant chatter in our heads when we go from one thought to another, from one emotion to another, like a monkey jumping from tree to tree chaotically. This physical language emphasizes certain randomness, the disconnection between the brain and the body, always confronting the very personal way of executing our actions, decisions, movements…

Can we hide behind sensual poetic images? Do we need to? Do we want to? Can words have the power to perdure after the body takes over?

BIBLIOMANIACS it’s like a very busy day, full of information that we can not process and still we enjoy having that day, being there, having the challenge.


[Source: dorkypark.org]

TFB Nr. 1475

Besetzung & Credits

Regie und Choreografie: Lisi Estarás
Dramaturgie: Carmen Mehnert
Von und mit: Candaş Bas, Eli Cohen, Emmanouela Dolianiti, Shannon Leypoldt, Daisy Phillips, Asuka Julia Riedl
Musik: Gabriel Chwojnik
Ton: Ivan Bartsch
Kostüme: Madeleine Sahl
Licht: Catalina Fernandez
Regiehospitanz: Binks Mooney, Laura Schultis
Produktion: Chloé Ferro
Produktionsbüro: Valeria Ryzhonina, María José Jaña

Eine Produktion von Constanza Macras | DorkyPark in Kooperation mit KINDL – Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst.
Gefördert aus Mitteln des Landes Berlin, Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa.


Herzbergstrasse 40-43
10365 Berlin



Die Videodokumentation wird im Auftrag der Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt hergestellt. Im Rahmen dieses Auftrags werden Produktionen im Bereich des zeitgenössischen Tanzes in Berlin dokumentiert. Die Masteraufnahmen werden von der Universitätsbibliothek der Universität der Künste Berlin archiviert. Kopien der Dokumentationen auf DVD werden folgenden Archiven zur Verfügung gestellt und sind ausschließlich im Präsenzbestand (an den Medienplätzen vor Ort) zur Sichtung zugänglich:

Universitätsbibliothek der Universität der Künste Berlin
Mediathek für Tanz und Theater des Internationalen Theaterinstituts / Mime Centrum Berlin
Hochschulübergreifendes Zentrum Tanz Berlin

Constanza Macras | DorkyPark / Trailer und Videodokumentationen

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