Production Details / Press Releases
In her performative exhibition “INSIDE OUT” Isabelle Schad shows choreographic sculptures that are experienced in their powerfully sensuous moving forms. Her work situates itself between dance and visual art, draws on her ongoing fascination with Aikido-Zen, community building and her long-term collaboration with Laurent Goldring, whom she invited to participate in “INSIDE OUT”. With subtle exactness they form bodies, material such as clothing, lengths of fabric and movement into sculptures which de ne their own space and evolve a contemplative quality.
The dancer and choreographer Isabelle Schad studied classical dance in Stuttgart, and worked with numerous choreographers before beginning to develop her own works in 1999. Her research concentrates on the relationships between bodies, choreography, (re) presentation, form and experience, and sees physical praxis as a place for learning processes, community and political participation. Her innovative projects are shown around the world in various contexts at festivals, museums or theatre spaces. She teaches internationally and is co-organiser of the work space Wiesenburg-Halle in Berlin. Isabelle Schad is a daily practitioner of Zen shiatsu and aikido zen. She has collaborated continuously with the visual artist Laurent Goldring for around ten years. Isabelle showed work at Tanz im August in 2003 and 2009.
[Source: play bill]
TFB Nr. 1213
Cast & Credits
Concept & Choreography: Isabelle Schad
With the participation of: Laurent Goldring
Artistic Assistance: Claudia Tomasi
By and with: Jozefien Beckers, Barbara Berti, Frederike Doffin, Naïma Ferré, Josephine Findeisen, Przemek Kaminski, Mathis Kleinschnittger, Manuel Lindner, Adi Shildan, Claudia Tomasi, Nir Vidan, Natalia Wilk
Lighting & Technic: Bruno Pocheron, Emese Csornai
Sound: Damir Šimunovic
Dramaturgical Advice: Saša Božic
Costume Consultance: Charlotte Pistorius, Lydia Sonderegger
Production Management: Heiko Schramm
Production: Isabelle Schad
Co-Production: Tanz im August / HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin
Funded by: Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa
Supported by: Wiesen55 e.V., with kind support of the Croatian Ministry for Culture and defacto Zagreb, Institut français, Polish Institute Berlin, Embassy of Israel in Berlin.
In cooperation with KINDL – Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst.
Tanz im August 2018
Artistic Director: Virve Sutinen
Executive Producer: Isa Köhler
Producer & Assistant to Artistic Director: Marie Schmieder
Curator & Producer: Andrea Niederbuchner
Assistant Producer: Alina Sophie Lauer
Technical Director: Patrick Tucholski
Tanz im August is a festival by HAU Hebbel am Ufer, funded by the Capital Cultural Fund.
Video Documentation
The video documentation is produced on behalf of the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion. The purpose of this contract is to document productions in the field of contemporary dance in Berlin. The master recordings are archived by the University Library of the Berlin University of Arts. Copies of the recordings on DVD are available for viewing exclusively in the reference collections of the following archives (at media desks in these institutions):
University Library of the Berlin University of Arts
Mediathek für Tanz und Theater des Internationalen Theaterinstituts / Mime Centrum Berlin
Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin (HZT)
Isabelle Schad / Trailers and Video Documentations
- Isabelle Schad: Interview / Portrait Isabelle Schad (2017)
- Isabelle Schad: Mirroring (2024)
- Isabelle Schad: Yuki Onna (2024)
- Isabelle Schad: The Shift Of Focus (2023)
- Isabelle Schad: Personne With Voice (2023)
- Isabelle Schad: Solo for Claudia and Josephine / Bodies of Light (2022)
- Isabelle Schad: HARVEST (2021)
- Isabelle Schad: TURNING SOLO 2 (2021)
- Isabelle Schad: ROTATIONS (2021)
- Isabelle Schad: FUR (2021)
- Isabelle Schad: Knotting (Film) (2020)
- Isabelle Schad: FUR (showing) (2020)
- Isabelle Schad: Reflection (2019)
- 24/7 Dance Movie / Isabelle Schad: Reflection (2019)
- Isabelle Schad: Turning Solo (2017)
- Isabelle Schad: Double Portrait (2017)
- Isabelle Schad: Pieces and Elements (2016)
- Isabelle Schad: SOLO FÜR LEA (2016)
- Isabelle Schad: Fugen (2015)
- Isabelle Schad: Collective Jumps (2014)
- Isabelle Schad: Form und Masse (2014)
- Isabelle Schad: DER BAU – Gruppe12x60 (2014)
- Isabelle Schad: Der Bau (2013)
- Isabelle Schad: Experience#1 (2012)
- Isabelle Schad: Musik (Praticable) (2011)
- Isabelle Schad: Sweet Dreams are made (2010)