Uferstr. 23
13357 Berlin
Tanzfabrik Berlin / Wedding
Tanzfabrik Berlin works as an internationally known centre for Contemporary Dance. It offers space for rehearsals, production, artistic and theoretic research, advanced training, further education, workshops and regular classes. Its main aim is to focus on development, presentation and agency of contemporary dance in all of its diversity of choreographic and performative approaches. This includes the promotion of young artists, the connection of theory and practice and international exchange.
4 studios and an incorporated studio stage in Kreuzberg have accommodated continous artistic and educational practice. The studio stage offers an intimate character and ideal frame for the visualisation of artistic processes. The studios host choreographers, dancers, performers and amateurs and a diverse range of advanced education projects (regular dance classes, performance projects, professional contemporary training, intensive workshops and the 10 month dance intensive programme).
Since 2010 additional spaces in Wedding at Uferstudios (14 studios) offer structural advancement to artistic production. Two new studios, rented by Tanzfabrik Berlin host our artists in residence. The bigger Uferstudio 14 enables more complex presentations. It hosts the yearly program series and the Biennale Tanznacht Berlin. tanznachtberlin.de
The Uferstudios GmbH accommodate the production studios of Tanzfabrik Berlin, the new Inter-University Center for Dance Berlin (HZT) by the University of the Arts (UDK) and Ernst Busch School (HfS) and further dance initiatives of Berlin. They cooperate with TanzRaum Network and constitute a centre of contemporary dance with independent choreographic projects, BA and MA Studies and a media centre. uferstudios.com
Since 2005 Tanzfabrik Berlin is partner of the European Network Advancing Performing Arts Project.
[source: www.tanzfabrik-berlin.de]
Trailers and Video Documentations
- Sasha Amaya: Orfeo (2024)
- mayfield brooks: Whale Fall: abyss (2024)
- Elvan Tekin: XÊR (2024)
- Ricardo de Paula, Grupo Oito: CARNE (2024)
- Sergiu Matis: Warp Renderings (2024)
- Fernanda Silva: Ein Tanz für Valeska Gert (2024)
- Inky Lee: Floating Roots (2024)
- Jen Rosenblit: ElseWhere Rhapsody (2024)
- Armin Hokmi: Shiraz (2024)
- Christina Ciupke, Darko Dragičević: Take me somewhere nice – Party without end, without meaning and without purpose (2024)
- Ixchel Mendoza Hernández: The Multiplicity of the Other (2023)
- Sandra Man: Lethe (2023)
- Hanna Kritten Tangsoo, Sigrid Savi: COWBODY / Oh wow it’s you! (2023)
- Mirjam Sögner: Purple Spheres (2023)
- Tanzfabrik Berlin: Impressionen der TANZNACHT BERLIN 2023 (2023)
- Djibril Sall: Djibril Sall – Performance im Rahmen der Tanznacht Berlin 2023 (2023)
- Margarida Alfeirão: No Biggie Deal (2023)
- Claire Vivianne Sobottke: Body, Bones, Beast (2023)
- Claudia Feest: ICH ERINNERE MICH – Performance zur Tanznacht Berlin 2023 (2023)
- Maria F. Scaroni: duvetdomme (2023)
- David Bloom: nigunim (2023)
- Public in Private, Jasna L. Vinovrški: The River II (2023)
- Moritz Majce: Physis (2023)
- Jee Chan: harbor (2023)
- Sonya Lindfors: Camouflage (2022)
- Ana Dubljević, Kasia Kania, Marja Christians: Dance Floor 2022 (2022)
- Christina Ciupke, Darko Dragičević: Take me somewhere nice (2022)
- Julian Weber: Omnivore (2022)
- Daniele Albanese, Compagnia Stalker: Home Altrove #Berlin (2022)
- Emmilou Rößling: Copernicus Drift (2022)
- Christina Ciupke, Boris Hauf: Remixes (2022)
- Kareth Schaffer, Martin Hansen: No More Suffering (2022)
- Moritz Majce, Sandra Man: In Return (2022)
- Adrian Blount aka GodXXXNoirphiles: Power Tower Pishiboro (2022)
- Nir Vidan: Assembly Instructions (2021)
- Christina Ciupke, Darko Dragičević: Silent Trio, Epilogue (2021)
- Ivana Müller: Forces of Nature (2021)
- Public in Private, Jasna L. Vinovrški, Clément Layes: Ich bin Tscheud (2021)
- Julian Weber: la isla bonita (2021)
- Liina Magnea: Funny Things Before Panic (2021)
- Ginevra Panzetti, Enrico Ticconi: AeReA (2021)
- Teodora Castellucci, Dewey Dell: HAMLET (2021)
- Patricia Coates: Variant of Concern (2021)
- Hana Lee Erdman, Louise Dahl: The weather in the room (Slowdance) (2021)
- Justine A. Chambers, Margaret Dragu, William Locke Wheeler, Britta Wirthmüller: Try Leather (2021)
- David Bloom: Alles Vergängliche – February 26, 2021 (2021)
- Julian Weber: Allongé (2020)
- Jasna L. Vinovrški, Public in Private: Healers (2020)
- Christina Ciupke, Darko Dragičević: Silent Trio, Chapter #4: Unfinished Archives (2020)
- WILHELM GROENER: #performingarchive2 (2020)
- Emmilou Rößling: The Fraternity (2020)
- Miriam Jakob: The Broken Promise (2020)
- Shannon Cooney: Fluid Resilience (2020)
- Moritz Majce, Sandra Man: Aeon (2020)
- Rike Horb: Gummimauer / flexible walls (2020)
- Diverse Künstler*innen: Vertigo (2020)
- Liina Magnea: Sehnsucht + (2020)
- Antonia Baehr, Latifa Laâbissi, Nadia Lauro: Consul and Meshie (2020)
- Roger Sala Reyner, Guillaume Marie, Igor Dobričić: when it lands will my eyes be closed or open? (2020)
- The Gray Voice Ensemble: Fa Li (Excerpt) (2020)
- Karol Tyminski: Water Sports (2020)
- Felix M. Ott: Les Imprédictibles (2020)
- Instant Feedback / Corbusier, Felix M. Ott: Les Imprédictibles (2020)
- Moritz Majce, Sandra Man: Chora (2019)
- Magdalena Meindl: We are all Teeth and Claws (2019)
- Johanna Ackva: Out of Our Hands (2019)
- Matteo Marziano Graziano: Deep Sky Objects (2019)
- Asaf Aharonson: Delight – Part II (2019)
- Ixchel Mendoza Hernández: The Reversed Alchemist: Figure 1-3 (2019)
- Jess Curtis, Gravity: (in)Visible (2019)
- Instant Feedback / Ixchel Mendoza Hernández: The Reversed Alchemist: Figure 1-3 (2019)
- Rilaben: SAI – ATHINGTHATFEELS (2019)
- Suddenly, Lyllie Rouvière: Esprit (2019)
- Maik Riebort, Eva Pfitzenmaier: SONG (2019)
- Igor Dobričić, Guillaume Marie, Roger Sala Reyner: ROGER (2019)
- Hanna Hegenscheidt, Ulrich Huhn, Chris Gylee: Not Good Alone (2019)
- Darko Dragičević, Martin Sonderkamp: Tonträger (2019)
- shifts | art in movement, David Brandstätter, Malgven Gerbes: FEEDING BACK (2019)
- Sergiu Matis: Hopeless. (2019)
- Ixchel Mendoza Hernández: The Twofold Paradox (2018)
- Hyoung-Min Kim: I am not on the blacklist (2018)
- Darko Radosavljev: Seascape (2018)
- Julian Weber: SIGHT SEEING (2018)
- Ivana Müller: Conversations out of Place (2018)
- Felix M. Ott: Klavierstück (2018)
- Peter Stamer, Silke Bake: A Piece you Remember to Tell – A Piece you Tell to Remember (2018)
- Diego Gil, Igor Dobričić: THE H ALF (2018)
- Julia Rodríguez: Later (2018)
- Ginevra Panzetti, Enrico Ticconi: Harleking (2018)
- Juan Domínguez: My Only Memory (2018)
- Lina Gómez: A Passo di Mulo (2018)
- André Uerba: Burn Time (2018)
- Rosalind Crisp: (Un)Domesticated Bodies: Live Feed (2018)
- Mattef Kuhlmey, Gabriele Reuter: THE AMPLITUDE (2018)
- Christina Ciupke, Jasna L. Vinovrški: NOW AND THEN (2018)
- Juli Reinartz: You said you’d give it to me – soon as you were free (2017)
- Moritz Majce, Sandra Man: NARKOSIS (2017)
- Felix M. Ott, Bahar Temiz: M.A.R.S. (2017)
- WILHELM GROENER: Schleppen (2017)
- Christina Ciupke, Ayşe Orhon: At Close Distance (2017)
- Rosalind Crisp, Susan Leigh Foster: (Un)domesticated bodies: Two Gal(ah)s (2017)
- Sergiu Matis: NEVERENDINGS – Season 2: Daydreams for a Better World (2017)
- Sergiu Matis: NEVERENDINGS – Season 1: 100 Years Revolution (2017)
- Karol Tyminski: CHURCH OF NON-DIVINE (2017)
- Aline Landreau: Underneath (2017)
- Dewey Dell: SLEEP TECHNIQUE (2017)
- Kieron Jina, Marc Philipp Gabriel: DOWN TO EARTH (2017)
- Christina Ciupke, Igor Dobricic, Boris Hauf, Mehdi Toutain-Lopez: ASSEMBLING THE OBJECT OF DISCOMFORT (2016)
- Jess Curtis, Claire Cunningham: THE WAY YOU LOOK (AT ME) TONIGHT (2016)
- Ginevra Panzetti, Enrico Ticconi: LE JARDIN (2016)
- Felix M. Ott, Dmitry Paranyushkin, Diego Agulló: MEDITATION ON NON DESTRUCTION (2016)
- Julian Weber: all inclusive (2016)
- Alice Chauchat invites Louise Trueheart: To Meet (2016)
- Antonia Baehr, Agata Siniarska, Jeremy Wade, Siegmar Zacharias: SAY SOMETHING (2016)
- Jule Flierl: Operation Orpheus (2016)
- Kareth Schaffer: Unheard of (2016)
- Sergiu Matis: Deleted Scenes (2016)
- Christina Ciupke, Boris Hauf: life and death of a melody (2016)
- WILHELM GROENER: becoming undone – PART II (2016)
- Ellinor Ljungkvist: To carry a bitter memory (2016)
- Dennis Deter: Blow Boys Blow (2016)
- Julian Weber: Constructing Ruins (2015)
- Christina Ciupke, Nik Haffner, Mart Kangro: NEW WORK (2015)
- Philipp Gehmacher: My shapes, your words, their grey (2015)
- deufert&plischke: NIEMANDSZEIT (2015)
- Sergiu Matis: Explicit Content (2015)
- WILHELM GROENER: o.T. (AT) (2015)
- Miriam Jakob: Travelling to the four Corners of the Earth (2014)
- David Brandstätter, Malgven Gerbes, shifts | art in movement: KRUMP ‘N’ BREAK RELEASE (2014)
- Jochen Roller, Monica Antezana: Der Carpenter-Effekt (2014)
- Begüm Erciyas: Hypnosis (2014)
- Dragana Bulut: Where is the Zombie? – Episode 2 (2014)
- Juan Gabriel Harcha: Tulle Labyrinth (2014)
- Felix M. Ott: The Iliad (2014)
- Dewey Dell: Marzo (2014)
- Roberta Milevoj: Roberta Again (2014)
- Diego Gil: Abstract Attractions (2012)
- Adam Linder: Ma Ma Ma Materials (2012)
- Hyoung-Min Kim, Tommi Zeuggin: DUST (2012)
- Felix M. Ott: Odyssey Complex (2012)
- Clément Layes, Public in Private: Der grüne Stuhl (2012)
- Jeremy Wade: Fountain (2012)
- Franz Rogowski: Friction – Unkonkrete Dringlichkeit (2012)
- Peter Stamer: For your eyes only (2012)
- Diego Gil, Igor Dobričić: Bsides (2011) (2012)
- Tanzcompagnie Rubato: FindeOrte (2012)
- deufert&plischke: Anarchiv#3 – songs of love and war (2011)
- Peter Stamer: Unseen (2011)
- Sello Pesa: After Tears (2011)
- Zufit Simon: ich(a) (2011)
- Lupita Pulpo: New (2011)
- Hyoung-Min Kim, Tommi Zeuggin: GHOST (2011)
- Jorge Gonçalves, Ana Rocha: Open Season (2011)
- Gabriele Reuter: tourist (2011)
- Zufit Simon, Alexander Grebtschenko: Wild Thing (2011)
- Keith Hennessy: Crotch (2011)
- TanzZeit-Jugendcompany: W.H.A.V.T. – Wer hat Angst vor Tanz? (2011)
- TanzZeit-Jugendcompany: Lecture Demonstration / Hanna Hegenscheidt und Ulrich Huhn (2011)
- Shannon Cooney, Sabine Vogel: Assemblages (2011)
- THE VILLAGE. Tanznacht Berlin 2010: WE WILL BE – Ein Zukunftskongress (2010)
- THE VILLAGE. Tanznacht Berlin 2010: WE ARE – A Game (2010)
- THE VILLAGE. Tanznacht Berlin 2010: THE FEAST (2010)